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Elliot felt her body go numb for but a second.

Then, wave after wave of abject, utterly agonising, engulfing pain hit Elliot as her screams reached the sky, filling them as the world sneered at her existence.

A beacon of red light shot up, enveloping the sky in brilliant ruby shades, the azure sky now a domineering shade of red that screamed royal and imperious.

It enveloped the world, covering every single inch of the sky visible to all ages.

Tensions rose as the surviving clans gathered, preparing for worst case scenario as haunting cries and screams reverberated softly in their ears, carried by the wind.

As Elliot writhed around painfully, her hand never left the rabbit, holding on as curses aplenty rested themselves on Elliot.

Every single one Elliot knew from heart.

She had made these curses, brainstormed them.

Now, it was like fighting her own creation.

You can give up, you know?

There it was again.

That taunting voice that came back as Elliot had all her efforts focused on the spell and keeping conscious and sane.

She had no remaining strength to talk back or retort.

Let me take over your body and bear the pain.

Of course, you'll perish.

But...This pain would be gone.

You'd live on in whatever realm there is after death, free of worries and regrets.

And you'd keep your memories.

Do you really want to sacrifice memories of your old world?

Of your friends?

Are you that heartless?

Elliot's back arched as the pain amplified, her mouth opening yet nothing but quiet screams came out.


It would end soon.

Only a few more minutes and the pain would go away, Elliot told herself internally, trying to stay rational.

Yet, those few minutes felt like centuries.

But finally, the pain had stopped.

Elliot crumpled to the floor, voice hoarse from screaming, her body a twitching mess.

Her lip was bloody and torn from biting too hard, blood flowing from the crack between her lips.

"I...Did it..." Elliot muttered before darkness consumed her whole as her eyes closed.


Where am I?

Honey's eyes opened.

Haven't I...Haven't I died?

Around him were three bodies.

Two charred beyond recognition, one was breathing softly.

Fucking god, we...We somehow survived.

Xavier's voice came through.


Wait wait wait.

What the fuck?

Honey had realised it too.

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