New Roomate

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"That..." Tom gulped.

The aftershocks of the crash resounded clear as day.

James' jaw hung agape,"B-buh-by one p-p-person?..."

Three million lives snuffed out in an instant due to a single girl's tantrum.

Evie let out a shaky breath,"We should...Go back. I'm feeling a little...tired."

They nodded, slowly trodding back to their house, the screams of citizens and commands of soldiers sounded, not stopping for the near future.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. SAY?!" Voltaire bellowed in disbelief and rage.

"T-t-the three armies...They've been wipe out, your highness!" The soldier shouted hastily, quivering all over. God dammit where's Heather in all this?!" Voltaire screamed.

"Holy Paladin Heather is currently returning at full speed! She will return in a matter of days, sir!"

"GET OUT! OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Voltaire shouted, the soldier ran away meekly, leaving Voltaire to his own thoughts.

"This is impossible. It cannot be. How can three armies not defeat two people? They're not human. They're monsters. MONSTERS!" Voltaire's sanity slowly slipped from him, his eyes bloodshot.

"AHAHAHAHAhahaha...I know..." Voltaire grinned maliciously,"That sir Elliot...He likes my son, no? I'll lure him into a trap. I'll make him give himself up if he wants to save that stupid boy! GUAAAARDS!"


Elliot used an item to teleport herself to Bherealia where chaos still dragged on.

Elliot then saw a cage being pulled by several soldiers was in the midst of being abandoned, a certain young man within it laid unconscious as the soldiers rushed off.

Elliot squinted,"Alphonse?..."

She walked briskly to the cage inconspicuously and used her short sword to forcefully break the lock.

"What is the king doing?..." Eliot wondered,"Ah...He helped me a bit. There's no harm in returning the favour..." Elliot picked up Alphonse and walked to the house she had bought in Behrealia.

"Well, hopefully Abigail didn't mess up the houses too much..."

Days passed.

Alphonse's eyes blinked open, warm rays shining dimly through the translucent curtains.

The lingering scent of citrus in the air a comforting feeling, helping with his muddled head.

"Ugh...Where is..." He sat up and looked around the small room.

It was sparse, besides a chair, table and tiny bedside wardrobe with an unlit lamp on it, the room looked pretty drab.

"Ah!..." Alphonse bumped into the table, causing an empty plate to clatter onto the floor.

Elliot was having her breakfast when she heard a loud clatter from upstairs,"He's up."

"Hello?" Alphonse called out,"Anyone there?"

"Downstairs." Elliot answered.

Alphonse rushed down the flight of stairs and came face to face with a girl, younger than him, raven black hair and ruby red eyes that seemed to go right through him.

She looked...breathtaking, definitely more attractive than the noble ladies he had met with.

He gulped,"Y-you saved me?"

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