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  I made my way to the kitchen with my laptop in my hand.  It was my third day back and I had to get back to the usual grind.  Eat breakfast while reading the news, working on my content, going to the gym, cooking dinner, and meetings. Lots and lots of meetings.
  "Good morning." Colby said walking down the stairs.  He pecked my cheek and poured himself a cup of coffee.  I continued to read the news and ignored him, slightly weirded out about yesterday.  "Are you okay?"
  I thought for a moment and closed my laptop. "Why did you say that last night."
"What did I say?" He asked.
"You asked me if I'd cheat on you, and what would I do if you cheated on me." I said. "Why on earth would you be asking that question?"
"...I don't know. I was drunk." He shrugged. I looked at him as if he was mental. "Don't look at me like that."
"What do you expect me to do. You asked about you and I doing anything with another person." I said smacking his arm.
"It didn't mean anything!" He said getting up from his seat.
"It means something to me!" I said following him to the living room. "What would have triggered that?!"
He looked at me with sorrow and the room went quiet. Fear coursing through me, I stood in silence.
"I....When you were on tour...I thought you cheated on me." He sighed. "I asked to make sure you didn't."
"So you don't trust me?" I asked. He facepalmed and shrugged.
"Well you ignored my text and calls, I thought of the worst." He said with guilt.
"Yeah...because I was in the middle of the show...and I had to evacuate because someone brought a gun." I said sarcastically. He scratched the back of his head and sighed.
"I know and I'm sorry." He said.
"I can't believe you thought that. What the hell does this mean. What the hell does that mean." I said showing him my ring and the ring I got him. "I would never. For the reason that this relationship means everything to me."
  "I know I know and I'm sorry." He said trying to calm me down.  I sighed and held my head, starting to get a headache.
  "Ugh my head.  You've been so weird lately." I said walking away.
  "Me?!  What about you?" He shot back. "On tour you were a complete bitch."
  I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him again. "That's because you'd be a total dick."
  "Oh yeah.  You see one picture of me and some girl and you flip out." He said rolling his eyes.
  "At least you stopped drinking your life away with Brennen and hanging out with other drunk girls...oh wait."
  "Are you serious?" He said with aggression. "You're so petty."
  "At least I'm not picking a fight.  You are.  There's always an issue." I said turning back to find some Advil for this headache.
  "What do you mean?" He said following.
  "Whatever.  I don't wanna argue anymore.  I need to work and get shit done.  Go get Jake and go home.  It's 12 in the afternoon."
  He sighed and went to go wake him up.  I found the Advil and took some.  A couple of minutes later Colby and Jake came downstairs grabbing their stuff.
  "Later Alice, thanks for letting me stay the night." Jake said giving me a hug.
  "I'll see you for dinner?" Colby asked.  I shrugged unsure if I'd be in the mood to do that.  He kissed me on the cheek and made his way out of the house, Jake right behind him.
  I pulled out my phone and texted Alissa asking if she wanted to go to the gym.  She declined since she had a photo shoot.  I thought for a moment and called Brooklyn. She agreed to go to the gym with me and get some lunch.

  "I have been on edge lately haven't I?" I said looking at Jake.  He nodded and I sighed. "I can't keep this going.  I feel like I have to blame her for my mistake.  Maybe I should tell her."
  He looked at me as if I was crazy and shook his head. "We don't know if you did anything wrong.  You'd be into so much trouble for nothing.  Remember what happened last time you and her got into a serious relationship problem?  Imagine if she found out you cheated."
  I sighed and thought about it.  The thought of Alice being that mad at me scared me. "I need to find out if I cheated or not."
  "Listen Colby.  Maybe we can just sweep it under the rug." He shrugged.  I raised my brow at him and he continued. "What are the chances we see her again?  Not that big.  So why try and hunt her down.  All you did was kiss her.  Have confidence in your self man."
  I thought for a moment and actually considered.  He has a point.  I would never do that to Alice.  I love her way too much to go and have sex with another women.
  "Maybe your right."

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