Tough Week

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I woke up at the sound of my phone going off. I checked the time and saw that I slept in. I picked up the phone and was met with Alissa's obnoxious yelling.
"WELCOME BACK!" Alissa yelled.
"Thanks Alissa." I groaned.
"Don't tell me you just woke up." She sighed. I sat up in bed and chuckled.
"I've been traveling non stop for three months straight, and barley any sleep. I think I can sleep in today." I said.
"Okay, Okay, you win. What's up with tonight. How about we party in celebration of you coming home." She asked.
"Nah. I'm not trying to drink. Once I start I can't stop." I said gesturing to the last time I was on a drinking spree. She literally said I should go to rehab. "I'm quitting...or at least drinking occasionally. Like once every 4 months. And for IMPORTANT events, like Kylie Jenner's Baby shower important."
"Oof. That's important." She said. I laughed and got out of bed making my way to the bathroom.
"Plus I may have a lot to do. With the tour being canceled I have to figure out refunds" I said. She of course understood and gave in. We said our goodbyes and I undressed.  I lit a few candles and entered the hot body of water, feeling my muscles relax.  I closed my eyes and felt myself drift to sleep.

  "Alice...BABY!" I shot up at the sound of yelling in my ear.  I caught my breath looking Colby dead in the eye.
  "What mate?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
  "You fell asleep in the tub while there were lit candles.  Do you know how dangerous that is.  I saved your life." Colby said, rolling his eyes. "Are you that tired?"
  "Yeah.  Alissa woke me up, I thought I was ready to start my day.  But I guess not." I sighed. "Pass me the towel, I'm wrinkled."
  "Or..." Colby took his jeans of and hopped into the tub, splashing water on the floor.
  "Baby!" I chuckled.  I blushed as some of the soap suds cleared up and revealed my parts to Colby.  He only scuffed in response, placing his lips on mine.
  "I've already seen you naked plenty of times babe." He shrugged, reconnecting his lips.  I kissed back, feeling his member stiffen.  I took off his now soaked shirt, and traced my hands on his chest, making way down. 
  Just as I was going to act on the situation, my phone rang.  I broke the kiss going to reach for it, but Colby pulled me back. "Just ignore it."
  "I have to it may be my manager." I said going for the phone again.  I picked it up and put my phone up to my ear. "Hey girl."
  "Hey, I'm about an hour away." Molly said. "What are you doing?"
  "Taking a shower." I said, blushing. "See you soon"
  "See ya."
  I ended the call and put my phone back.  Turned to face Colby, only to be met with an annoyed expression.  "What?"
  Colby only rolled his eyes and got out of the tub.  He tossed me a towel and opened the door, making his way to my room. "What's wrong?!"
  "I don't know.  I thought we'd be able to hang out now that you're home." He said grabbing a change of clothes.  I entered the room and sighed.  I grabbed a change of clothes saying "I know.  It's just I have to figure out how we can give refunds since the tour was canceled, we have to figure out dates for future events.  It's a lot."
  He sighed and turned around to let me change.  Once I was done I gave him a kiss.  "We're gonna hang out I promise it's just this is kinda important. This whole week has been tough so far. Wouldn't you agree?"
He sighed and nodded, looking away. I didn't think much of it and started brushing my hair. "So I guess I'll just..."
  "Oh...uh yeah sure.  I'll see you...."
  "Whenever works." He chuckled.  I nodded and he left the house.  That was awkward.  I wonder what was wrong.  He kinda seemed weird when I told him this has been a tough couple of days.  Maybe he's not having the best time either.
  I'd focus on that later but right now I have to figure out what to do about the tour.

  "Thank you so much Nathan. Sorry for the Inconvenience." I said.
"Oh it's no problem. I'm just glad that everyone is safe and that everything is being handled well." He said through the phone. "I have financials down. Anything else?"
"No we have it from here. Thanks Mr.Phillip." Molly said. They hung up then Molly went into her tablet, typing away. "Now we have to figure out interviews. Ever since this happen you've been asked by good morning America to do a interview."
"Geez Molly." I said resting my head on the table. "I'm so burnt out and I've just stopped traveling. Do I have to go to New York."
"It seems like a good idea. They want to discuss the tour, life on the road, best parts, worst parts, blah blah blah. Then they ease their way into the situation with the threat. Your word gets out to the world."
"I don't want attention." I said. "Only to get the word out that this needs to be brought to light. I'm going to be holding an Awareness even and I want people to show up."
"Perfect. We just need to see when we can travel." She was typing some more.
"No. I want a virtual interview. I don't want to all." She sighed and nodded. She contacted the people who work there and told them that I was to worn out to travel. We had to wait for a response but she decided to end today meeting and to discuss more later.  I checked the time and noticed it was still early.  I pulled out my phone and called Colby.
  "Hey.  The meeting is over so we can hang out after.  I'll come over now." I said.

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