~With Kaerick ~

"Donde estabas?" Erick asked.


"Endonde estabas Karen que le tuvistes que decir a tus amigas que ibas a estar conmigo"

"Ohhh eso umm.."

"Saliste con alguien mas?"

"Que? No"

"Entonces?" Que estabas haciendo?"

"Babe dejame explicarte"


"Mira yo venia en camino para aca porque tenia la mañana libre pero luego me acorde de que los cumpleaños de Cristal se esta acercando y aproveche y le fui a comprar su regalo y se me olvido avisarle a las chicas"

"Y porque no me contestabas?"

"Tengo el celular muerto babe tambien compre un cargador"

"Y porque no me dijiste? Si ya venias en camino para aca podiamos ver ido los dos"

"Lo iba hacer pero me acorde que tu odias ir de compras"

"Eso si."

"Ya vez.. no tienes porque ponerte asi"

"Si princesa pero esque me tenias preocupado y cuando Katia me dijo que le dijiste que ibas estar conmigo no sabia que pensar"

"Si lo se fue mi cumpla perdon"

"Okay esta bien preo no lo vuelvas hacer"

Karen nod and with that Erick kisses her and they walk back out hand in hand.

~ Back with the others ~

Everyone was still in the same position but Christopher couldn't take it anymore and went over to Sandra and whispered something to her.

"Podemos hablar?" He asked.

"Que quieres?"

"En privado?" She gives him a look but agrees and follows him outside.

"Que quieres Christopher?"

"Que ya no estes enojada conmigo"

"No estoy enojada estoy confundida"

"Pero porque?"

"Porque? Encerio me estás preguntando eso?"

"No se que quieres que te diga"

"No lo puedo creer parse que se te olvido de la conversación que tuvimos en la mañana" She was about to walk back in.

"Okay okay esta bien escuchame" He stopped her.


"La verdad esque e estado muy estresado y cansado viajando para alla y para aca"

"Que yo sepa tambien los chicos pero miralos se ven iguales"

"Si pero no es igual yo tengo la más presion porque estoy retrasado en los nuevos bailes y-.."


"Calmate porfavor no te estoy mintiendo"


She got interrupted by Taehyung. He has been listening to everything and even though he didn't understand a word they were saying he knew they were arguing and that she was on the urge of crying when he heard her yell so he decided to to walk closer.

Tae: Oh sorry was I interrupting?

Sandra: *wipes away tears* No, no I was just leaving *leaves*

Chris: Sandra!

Tae: Sorry I just came by to drop this off

Chris: Oh it's fine thanks

Tae: Not to be nosey but are you and Sandra okay?

Chris: Oh uh..yeah we're fine just a little misunderstanding

Tae: Oh ok.. well I'll see you later

Chris: Later



I didn't understand a thing they were saying, but it didn't sound like a little misunderstanding to me. I decided to go after her she didn't look okay and I wanted to make sure she was fine. I catched up to her just in time before entering her apartment.

"Sandra wait up!" I called out to her.

"Oh hey tae do you need anything?"

"Umm.. no actually I just wanted to make sure you're okay"

"I'm fine why wouldn't I be?"

"I heard you guys arguing.. didn't understand a thing but definitely heard"

"Oh that.. wow thats embarrassing"

"No don't be.. I mean every couple argues right?"

"Yeah I guess so"

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Umm actually I just want to take a bath and rest"

"Oh yeah I understand"

"Thanks for your concern tho"

"No need to thank me if you need someone to talk to you have my number"

"I'll keep that in mind"


~ CNCOs Place ~

Richi: Okay seriously what's going on with them?

Joel: I've never seen them argue like that

Ash: I've never seen them argue at all

Richi: Did chris do something?

Cristal: I honestly don't know

Zabdi: Voy hablar con el *walks to chris room*

Katia: I feel so bad

Karen: Me too I'm so used to seeing them so happy

Richi: Well every couple goes through that phase I guess...

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