Fifty Four // Family Blowout.

Start from the beginning

"I didn't know that." I admit and Calum smiles at me through the mirror before turning his face to pepper kisses up and then back down my neck and down to my shoulder before lifting his head back up. 

"Don't stress over tonight okay? It just another night out and you're already going to be the most beautiful woman in the room, heels or no heels." 

"Thank you," I smile genuinely at him before turning in his arms. "You're one of the only people who can bring light in to my day when it's been dark." I tell him lamely but it was true and I was so glad for it. You needed people to be able to bring sunshine in to your life, even on the stormiest day and Calum was definitely one of my people. 

"You're welcome, Now do you want to pick some shoes so we can get ready to go?" Calum raises his eyebrows at me and I nod in response making a smile light up his face. "Good," He presses a sweet kiss to the tip of my nose before dropping his hands from my waist. I take the time to take in his appearance for the night, black jeans and wonderfully dark blue collared shirt which made him look ridiculously good. How was it he could basically throw anything on and just look so effortlessly perfect? 

"Is luke bringing a date tonight?" I ask as I go over to find a pair of my black flats from our wardrobe. I felt like I hadn't seen Luke in a long time when in reality I had seen him last at the wedding but we didn't actually talk that much throughout that day so I wondered how he was doing. 

"Not that I know of." Calum answers and I slip the flats on before making my way back over to him, he was currently sitting on the end of the bed, scrolling through his phone with an am sued grin on his face. 

"What's so funny?" 

"Michael." Calum says and I raise my eyebrows at him, asking for him to elaborate. "He just messaged us about Birdie and her horrific pooing talents." 

"Oh wow," I let out a laugh. Aria and Birdie were now safely at home and their life as family of three had now truly begun. I was so relieved for them when I heard they were allowed to go home, they deserved their little family to be good and healthy and they were getting that. 

"He said she's get it from Aria," Calum chuckles and I can't help but snort. I'm sure Aria would think very different and if she knew Michael had told the boys that then she would probably kill him, not literally but maybe just in her mind. 

"Very doubtful." I say as Calum locks his phone and slides it in to his pocket. "Ready to go?" He asks and I nod in response as he stands. I was probably as ready as I would ever be. 


"So how's married life?" Luke randomly asks from beside me. We had been at the boys work do for almost three hours now and so far the night had been going quite good, We had eaten at this really great restaurant and now everyone was just mingling and talking amongst themselves. 

"You know, It's pretty awesome." I admit and Luke nods at my answer. Tonight had give me a decent chance to have a good catch up with Luke and he honestly seemed like he was doing really good, definitely a lot more like the old Luke we all knew and loved. 

"Do you think you and Cal will be one of those couples who say the first year of marriage is the hardest?" Luke questions me and I'm kind of surprised at his question. I had heard of plenty of couple who had struggle through the first year of marriage, saying how things somehow change during the transition of fiancee's to husband and wife but I didn't believe Calum and I would experience that at all. Nothing had changed so far and I didn't see it changing at all.  

"Nope," I shake my head, taking a quick sip of my cranberry juice. "I don't see that happening for us at all." 

"Interesting," Luke hums and I narrow my eyes at him. "What?" He blinks at me and I shrug my shoulders at him in response, he was the one asking the weird questions. 

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