

"You know what just come and talk to me when you're ready to tell me what's going on"

"Porque me estas hablando en ingles?"

"You know I hate speaking in Spanish and only did it for you"

"No te enojes porfavor.."

"I have to go.. I have things to do" Before he could say anything I left.


Ash: Where are you going?

Karen: Uhh...I have plans with Erick

Katia: Oooo a date?

Karen: Mhmm

Ash: Well you look cute I bet Erick won't be able to breathe

Katia: *laughs*

Karen: Thanks *smiles* Well you guys later

I felt bad. I hate lying but I really didn't want them to know where I was going. I made my way to where I was going. Erick kept texting and calling but I didn't really feel like answering. When I got there I knocked.

Karen: Hey

Jimin: *smiles* Hey Karen nice to see you

Karen: Yeah you too... um is Namjoon here?

Jimin: Oh... um yeah come in

Karen: Thanks

Jimin: I'll go call him

Karen: Thank you

Rm: Oh hey Karen

Karen: *smiles and hugs him* Hi

Rm: What brings you here?

Karen: Um I actually wanted to ask for a favor

Rm: Yeah sure what do you need?

Karen: Well you see one of the girls birthdays is coming up and well everyone is busy today so I was wondering if you'd like to come shopping with me?

Rm: Shopping?

Karen: Yeah like I said the girls are busy and I don't want to go alone

Rm: What about Erick?

Karen: He's busy too

Rm: Umm idk I think I have some things to do today.

Karen: It won't take long I promise, Cristal isn't really picky.

Rm: Cristal?

Karen: Yeah It's her birthday that's coming up

Rm: Oh really? Umm you know what on second thought I'll go

Karen: Really? *smiles*

Rm: Yeah let me just call Jimin it's just the two of us here and I don't wanna leave him alone

Karen: Oh ok.. *sighs*


Erick: Ahora pienso que yo soy el ignorado

Chris: Porque?

Erick: Karen no me contesta

Chris: Alomejor sigue dormida

Erick: Alomejor.... le voy a llamar a una de las chicas



"Oh hey Erick? Que paso?"

"Hola ehm no esta Karen?"

"Karen? Acaba de salir dijo que iban a salir juntos"

"Eso dijo?"

"Si. Porque?"

"Ah no nada ehm si creo que ya llego adios"

Chris: Que paso?

Erick: Les dijo que iba a salir conmigo

Chris: Y?

Erick: Nunca hicimos planes


Cristal: How did it go?

Sandra: Not the way I wanted it to

Cristal: What happened?

Sandra: According to him nothing is happening

Cristal: Do you believe him?

Sandra: Cristal we had an awkward silence for about 2 minutes never since the first time I met him has that happened to us it's like he's a whole different person

Cristal: What do you think is going on?

Sandra: I don't know, but I have this feeling... I feel like he's hiding something..

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