Chapter Two

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Must Love Dogs- Chapter Two

He had spent the day trying to figure it all out, trying to piece together every little detail of what their relationship had meant to her, what it had meant to him. He loved her, Stefan had loved her-years ago when they had met and even though she had turned into a monstrous version of herself over the last 2 years that they were together, a small part of him-still cared for Rebekah.

Hell, Stefan had loved his ex wife so much that he still caught himself calling her his wife and he let her decorate the house, picking out the location for their "family home" because she had told him that it would calm her whenever she was stressed from her job as the company's promoter. She loved the water, the ocean was her sanctuary and Stefan had loved it right along with her..until she told him that she was leaving him and wanted out of their marriage, a few months ago on the beach, saying that she was feeling suffocated by their relationship to continue any further. After that night, Stefan hated the sand, the sound of the water made him sick and even the smell of it-everything reminding him of Rebekah.

Rebekah Salvatore had been the one person that the media flocked to whenever there was any breaking news or changes in regards to SD Realty and even though it didn't bother Stefan back then when his mother Maria had suggested it- for his wife to be the 'face' of the company. It bothered him a hell of a lot more now because he knew that in the midst of their divorce that she would be the first one to tell her lies about their divorce and the problems he was having in his company to the newspapers and magazines that SD Realty graced every few months as a promotion campaign.

He hadn't been sleeping properly. Everything, since she had broken his heart- had seemed so unimportant and the only thing that had mattered was his work. So, Stefan drown himself in it,so much so that he had started to practically live in his office that was on the fifth floor in the key west area of Florida. A nice and beautiful area that was about 50 miles from Miami.

"You need to stop working so much. You need to find a nice girl and settle down. Rebekah was a nice girl, Stefan. But- she wasn't right for you and that family of hers! Oh, they are a piece of work!" His mother had told him when he'd drove to Miami for his weekly visit.

She was right. Stefan thought, although he had been too blinded by her beauty, her adventurous spirit and zest for life to see any differently. Rebekah was intriguing that was for sure. Yet, there was always something missing between them that Stefan had been feeling more and more lately and it was hard to figure out what it was exactly until she told him that she wanted out, then it all came into full view- it was the love that they had for each other- it was gone.

The loud buzzing of his alarm clock had awoken him before the cell phone on his brown colored night stand ever did. Stefan rubbed his eyes roughly, exhaling out a breath when he rolled over and felt something warm and furry next to him. Stefan groaned out a loud annoyed sigh when he flipped on his side and locked his tired green eyes on to the chocolate brown eyes of the German Shepard beside him.

"You little shi-….Duke, get off the bed!" Stefan scolded him, watching Duke's long and pointy dark brown ears perk up and twitch at the sound of his own name.

Stefan pushed himself up, looking around the room. Papers, bubble wrap, empty left over boxes were scattered everywhere. She hadn't even left a scent of herself behind for him to hold on to and, his heart hurt because of it.

His body felt achy, heavy like a dead weight was sitting on his chest when he picked up his shirt off of the floor that had a fowl oder of stale air and beer stains on it. He had gotten drunk last night, really damn drunk because of all the stress. His head was still pounding, his clothes were scattered all over the house instead of neatly placed in their spots like he would usually always do and there were empty beer bottles near the bedside as well.

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