All Good Things Must Come To An End

272 14 6

(1 Month Later)

"Heads up, Clem!"

I barely had time to react as a wave of water was splashed at me. I sputtered and spit out the river water before glaring at my now sheepish looking boyfriend who was wading in the warm river water. It was our day off and we decided to spend it down by the river. The weather had warmed up considerably and the sun was just right in the sky for me to work on my tan. Kate had snagged me a bikini on a run earlier and I was just dying to show it off to Gabe and make him trip over himself. However, I didn't realize Kate had also picked up Gabe some tight fitting board shorts. When I strutted out of the room with my bikini on and set my eyes on Gabe, I lost my shit.

Let's just say that I had forgotten how good he looked when I seen him almost naked but....goddamn I will never make that mistake again.

So, I stayed on the river bank and caught some rays as Gabe played in the water. He had found some rope in a shed near the prison and tied it to a tall tree beside the river. A person could've confused him with Tarzan as he swung down and made a huge splash of water. I started to see some of Javi in Gabe as he acted like a 7 year old child playing in the water. He tried convincing me to join him multiple times but I really didn't like being in water.

"Hey, Clementine. Wanna go see what Kate is making for lunch?"

I opened my eyes to see Gabe dripping wet and standing over me. My stomach growled at the thought of food and stood up to put on my jean shorts and tank top and tennis shoes before joining him. I handed Gabe a spare towel to dry off with and we made our way back to the prison. Me and Gabe joked around with each other as we were walking and were all smiles as we stepped into the prison. Our moods dropped suddenly as we seen everyone huddled down together and listening to something on the radio. Javi was the first to look at us and waved us over with a solemn expression on his face.

"Clem, Gabe. Come sit down."

Me and Gabe exchanged worried looks at his tone and walked forward. Lilly, Kate, and Eleanor were all in tears and the guys held them as they cried. As we grew closer to them, we heard an emergency broadcast being played on the radio.

".....I repeat, in 5 hours there will be a series of bombs that will go off that will eliminate every living thing on earth. There will be locations that we will give where the military have built safe shelters and they can hold two people. These people must be healthy, fairly young, not genetically related, and the opposite sex because they will be our only hope to repopulate. We need to start over and become a functioning society again and this is our only option. Doctors, teachers, technicians, and politicians have already been selected and in their own shelters with seeds and healthy animals as well. Please stand by to hear where the nearest shelter is for your selected people. May God have mercy on our souls."

Tears had started to form in the corner of my eyes halfway through the broadcast and I was shaking. Knowing looks were exchanged in the room and every set of eyes locked on me and Gabe. Lee started to approach me and I took a step away from him and also backed away from Gabe. Lee outstretched his hand for me and I viciously smacked it away.

"No! This must be a sick joke or something! They can't just kill everyone and hope for the best! No!"

With that being said, I turned on my heel and sprinted out of the prison and into the woods. The others shouted out for me but I just kept running. My legs burned from the exertion and finally collapsed from underneath me. I fell to my knees and took shuddering breaths in, tears mixing in with sweat as they streamed down my face. I backed into a tree stump and laid my head on it's hard surface. My mind was going a mile a minute and as the tears finally resided my body just gave up and I passed out from exhaustion on the tree stump.

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