Part 22 : flaming yellow

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Yang : "glad you asked!!! First, we're going to ride on my Bumblebee!!" She yelled while spinning me around the room. She's too strong! She's spinning me around like i was weightless. What is she even talking about ? Bumblebee ? Are we going to ride bees ? Can we even do that ?

Me : "Yang, calm down.... slow down"

Yang : "sorry about that! Now go and get ready! We're going to ride where the road takes us! Hehe..." she sounded like she's planning something. I could only sigh as i thought about it. I then went inside the bathroom to get ready. I put on my suit and i went out the bathroom to see yang drooling.

Me : "Yang ? Why are you looking at me like that ?" I asked before she took a few steps towards me. She looked like a lion stalking a prey.

Yang : "you look delicious" she said in a weird tone. Wait! Is she really going to eat me ? What is happening right now ?!

Me : "Yang, please don't eat me" i said as she grew a smirk. She then got closer to me..... a little too close i should say. She then whispered to my ears.....

Yang : "with that handsome face of yours, i just want to eat you up" she whispered before taking a bite on my ear. This strange.... someone please help me! I screamed inside my head. Luckily, my cry for help was answered by the great oum himself when the door suddenly opened. I then heard a gasp. I looked at the door to see aunt Glynda with her stick on her hand and a glare on her face. I could feel the killing intent coming from her. But the worst thing was well....... Yang was still biting my ear.

Glynda : "ehem! Miss Xiao Long ?" She said as i saw Yang suddenly froze. She then let go of me and stood still looking at aunt Glynda with fear in her eyes.

Yang : "Professor Goodwitch ma'am!" She said sounding like a soldier in boot camp.

Glynda : "what were you doing a few seconds ago ?" She asked with a strangely calm tone.

Yang : "i was just.... i uhhh.... i was.... i-i uhh.." she was at a loss of words.

Glynda : "what do you have to say for yourself ?"

Yang : "i uhhh.... i was..... uhhh.... Run!" She yelled the last part as she took one of my smoke bombs from my pouch that was on my table. I then felt someone grabbing my hand before i was pulled. We then ran through the hallways while aunt Glynda was coughing from the smoke. After a while, we finally reached the landing pad and we boarded one of the bullheads there.

Yang : "GOGOGOGOGO!!!!!" She yelled to the pilot.

Pilot : "yes ma'am. Calm down" the pilot said as we could hear aunt Glynda's voice not far away.

Glynda : "miss Xiao Long!!! (Y/N)!!!!" I heard he as we took off and left Beacon. After we were at a safe distance which means a few miles, we sighed in relieve.

Me : "why did you do that Yang ? We're going to be punished when we get back" i said as she rubbed her neck.

Yang : "sorry about that. But it was fun though right ?" She said as i could only sigh.

Me : "you better make it right to her when we get back"

Yang : "relax, everything will be fine" she said with a laid back attitude as i could only sigh. I will die before i ever get the chance to graduate from this academy.

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt