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"Marcus stop." Maja pushes me away.

"You make me crazy. I have never felt anything like this, it's like you're a drug I can't live without. Please just-" I say but this time she cuts me off.

"You have a promise with Martinus, I don't wanna come between you guys." She says looking me in the eyes making sure I understand.

"It doesn't matter, I can make you happy, I can make you feel whatever you want." I place my hand on her cheek.

"Sorry Marcus." She just says and leave again. This time I don't go after her. I bang my fist against the locker.

The bell rings and everyone starts going into classrooms. I don't move, I just stand there in the hallway.

Maja makes me crazy. She makes me wanna rip my hair off my head. She makes me wanna do things I never thought I would. I need to have her. All to myself.

The only problem is Martinus. And that he likes her too. Why does he have to be such a pain in the ass.

I didn't even notice the class already ended before I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I must have been deep in my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I ask and look up at Martinus who has come to where I am.

"Where were you? You weren't in class." He says raising his eyebrow.

"I was here, I didn't feel too good so I thought it would be better not to come." I say and get up from the floor.

"Umm, okay. Have you seen Maja by the way?" He asks looking around. I point at her standing with her friends. "Thanks." Martinus pats my shoulder and then goes over to her.

They leave the group and go somewhere. I want to know what they're talking about, if they even are talking. What if they're doing something else?

I think I shouldn't be snooping around but I'm really curious so I decide to follow after them. I see them walking into an empty classroom and close the door.

I press my ear against the door and try to hear what they're saying. Of course I can't hear anything because the door is soundproof.

I peek through the small window in it and look at them. At the moment they're just talking, so far so good.

Maja steps a little closer to Martinus who is trying to say something. She puts her hand on his cheek and leans closer.

"Oh sorry guys I didn't know you're in here, was I interrupting something?" I ask when I walk into the room. I just couldn't watch what was about to happen.

"Well actually w-"

"No, you didn't interrupt anything, but why are you here?" Martinus asks looking a bit rushed and guilty. I quickly look around and try to see which class this is.

"I umm, I came for this." I grab a random book from the shelf. "Hey Martinus wanna come with me and study?"

"Yes of course, bye Maja." He says and almost runs out of the classroom. I go after him and close the door. "Were you spying on us?" He asks when we are far enough.

"What? No!" I say throwing my hands in the air. Martinus raises his eyebrow. "Okay, yes I was."

"Oh god, but thanks for coming in at that moment, I don't wanna break the promise again." Martinus says patting my back. I get a little guilty feeling inside of me but I just smile.

"Sorry Martinus, I have to confess something. I umm snuck out through my window a couple nights ago and met with Maja and we.." I start and stop to think whether to tell what actually happened or not. "Uhh, we made out." I say.

"Of course you did. You don't even care about your own twin brother. Thanks." Martinus says and turns to leave.

"Come on Martinus, you know what I'm like. It's not like I have self control or anything!" I try to explain but actually just make it worse.

Martinus was right, I'm a horrible person. I chose a girl over my twin. And he's trying to hold on to the promise as well as he can.

I sigh and put my beanie on a little better. It's not even cold outside but I just have it on to look cool.

I need to do something. I have to switch schools. Or maybe I can be homeschooled. That way I won't have to see Maja every day and I could focus on studying.

She comes to our house often tho. She always comes to hang out with Martinus. Why can't she come just to hang out with me? It's obvious she likes Martinus more. She tried to kiss him.

I'm being cut off by the bell and I have to go to class. Maybe I can figure out a plan in there. Something to keep my mind off Maja. And Martinus' too.

Playboy and his brother // Marcus & Martinus Where stories live. Discover now