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"I never thought that a good guy like Marcus Gunnarsen would run away in the middle of the night." Maja says with a smirk on her face when I see her.

"You really think I'm a good boy? Hey, I have taken pictures in places where it's not allowed." I say as a joke.

"Can't compete with that. You're wild, Gunnarsen." She says laughing a bit.

We start walking around Trofors. It's really nice out here at night. I can see Maja shivering a bit.

"You cold?" I ask. She nods. I put my other arm around her and keep walking. I try to keep myself from smiling so wide but it's hard.

We walk on top of the highest hill in Trofors. The view is beautiful. And so is the girl next to me.

"This place looks so beautiful at night." Maja says looking around.

"So do you." I blurt our. Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that. I quickly cover my mouth.

"Thank you." She says smiling. We sit on the bench and just talk about everything that comes to mind.

"I'm going to sound so weird when I say this but it would be nice to bang someone out here." I say. Oh god Marcus you just lost the last change with that girl. "I-I, no sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh god Marcus. I actually thought we could have a nice time here." Maja says.

"Okay, okay, sorry. I'll stop being weird." I say. "But come on, just think about it."

"Marcus, no! I'm leaving if you won't stop being like that." Maja says but I can hear from her tone that she's not being serious.

I put my other arm around her and pull her closer. She leans her head against me and I pull her even closer, if that's possible.

I keep glancing at Maja. I want to kiss her so bad. I put my hand on her cheek and turn her head to me so I can look into her eyes.

"Don't tell anyone." I say before kissing her softly. I lift her on my lap without breaking the kiss. It's getting more intense and heated.

"I um, I think we should go home now." Maja says breaking the kiss.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask putting my hands behind her back and looking into her eyes.

"No don't worry! It's just that we have school tomorrow." Maja says. I shake my head and get up.

We start walking home. I walk her to her house and we say our good nights before parting ways.

I climb up the ladders to my room and close the window. I take off my clothes that are now wet from the ground and they have grass on them.

I put them under the shoes in my closet. I will wash them later. Then I go back to bed and try to sleep again but this time it's even harder.

I just spent two hours outside with Maja and actually got what I've wanted from the beginning.

But I want more. I want her all to myself. I want her sleeping in my arms. I want her kissing me in the hallway.

I want to call her mine. I want to be the reason she looks at her phone and smiles.

But none of that will ever happen. If I just would've done some things differently from the beginning I may would have gotten her.

Damn you Martinus for having to like her too. Why can't he find someone else to like?

I sigh and close my eyes. It takes me long to finally fall asleep because of my thoughts.

Playboy and his brother // Marcus & Martinus Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ