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Marcus pov

It's 6pm and Maja is still at our house. We're eating pizza and watching tv. She's in the middle of me and Martinus. They both must think that I hate her.

"Marcus we have a concert on Saturday so we're not going to school tomorrow." Martinus reminds me.

"Oh yeah you're singers, I forgot. What's that like?" Maja asks. We start telling her stories about everything and that conversation goes on for a couple of hours.

It's already 8pm. Maja has to leave. She gives Martinus a hug and I stand there waiting that she would hug me too but she just goes without even looking at me. Okay wow. A girl who is not interested in me in any way? Weird.

Emma and our parents are coming home soon so Martinus and I are cleaning the place up. When we're done I can hear the door opening. Both of us run downstairs and see mom dad and Emma. Emma jumps on me and I hug him.

"Hey Emma did you have fun on your little trip?" I say and smile. She nods excited. I laugh at her and take her up to her room. I tuck her in and she falls asleep pretty soon. I sing a lullaby to her because she loves that.

"Nighty night Emma" I say and leave her room.

Oh don't be so surprised that I have a sweet side too. I care about my family more than anything and if any boy ever treats my sister the way I treat girls I swear to god they won't live to see tomorrow.

I go to kitchen and see mom making something to eat. I hug her and thank her because I'm hungry even tho I just had some pizza. We all eat together, except Emma who is sleeping. We're talking about what we've done during these days that they were gone. Of course leaving out those parts where I bang a girl in school whose name I don't even remember.

"Okay but now off to bed, we have to get up early tomorrow because you have a concert on Saturday and a rehearsal tomorrow." Dad says after eating. We both thank mom and dad for food and go to our rooms.

"Good night Martinus." I say and shut my door. I go to bed and try to fall asleep but I can't because Maja keeps coming back to my mind. How am I gonna show her that I'm not just a playboy? I don't care how long it takes, I'm gonna get her. No Marcus you're not gonna date her, just bang her and leave. But what if I don't wanna leave? If I really wanna date her? Oh shit.

I wake up feeling super tired. I didn't get too much sleep last night because I was thinking about Maja. Oh god that girl makes me go crazy. I sigh and get up. I go down to have breakfast. I see Emma and she comes to give me a hug. I smile and lift her to air.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask her. She nods her head and wiggles her way down from my arms. I get some cereal and put it in a bowl and start eating. Soon after Martinus comes down too.

"So what do you think about Maja?" I ask. Oh god I hope there is nothing going on between those two.

"She's great, funny and nice. And so beautiful!" He says and a smile creeps to his face. Oh shit. He can't get her. No.

"Oh yea I think so too." I just say and go back to my room. I start packing and when I'm ready I take my bag downstairs. Our flight is leaving in three hours so we have to leave soon.

Finally here! We just landed in Vienna. There's some fans waiting at the airport and we take pictures with them. Then we go to the hotel room and downstairs to eat. After that we have rehearsal.

"Dad I can't concentrate can we please have a small break?" I sigh in the middle of a song. He doesn't have the time to respond anything when I've already left the stage and gone to the backstage.

"Marcus you okay?" Martinus asks. I nod quickly.

"Yes I am, I umm I just can't concentrate." I say. He raises his eyebrow.

"No you're not. I know you. Tell me what's on your mind." He says. I take a deep breath.

"I think I like Maja. Or not. I don't know. Maybe I just have to fuck her, yea that must be it. I don't like her. I'm not that kinda guy who just falls for people I'm that kinda guy who fucks a random girl and doesn't even care enough to learn their name." I say.

"Well if you really like her then stop banging other girls and try to get her, but now we have to go back on stage." Martinus says and leaves. I stand there thinking about what I'm gonna do. I shake my head and follow after him.

The rehearsal went okay after all. I'm excited to play in a new country. We go outside the hotel to give fans autographs and pictures. I see one girl standing a little further away from everyone else and I go up to her.

"Hey why are you here and not getting pics?" I ask her.

"I'm not really a fan, I'm just here because of my friends but yea can I still get a pic?" She asks smiling. I nod and we take a picture. I write her my autograph and also my phone number. She looks at me confused.

"Send me a message." I wink my eye and go back to the other girls leaving that one standing there in confusion. We take some more photos and then go back to our room. Then that girl calls me. We talk for a while and she is gonna come to my room soon.

"Martinus you have to go because Maria is coming soon." I say getting up from my bed and go to the bathroom to put my hair.

"What? Marcus oh my god what did I just tell you about banging every other girl you meet? Don't do it if you want to get Maja." He says and comes to the door.

"Martinus who said that I was gonna bang her? But you still need to leave in case I do." I say and chuckle a bit. Martinus rolls his eyes and goes to the other room. Not long after Maria, the girl from outside the hotel, knocks on the door and I let her in.

"Well hello pretty princess." I say smirking. Maria smiles at me and sits on the bed. I sit next to her and look her in the eye. I put my hand on top of hers. I lean in and kiss her. But she doesn't kiss me back.

"Marcus what the hell?" She asks standing up.

"I-I'm sorry." I stutter.

"We don't even know each other!" She says a bit louder. I calmly get up and go to the mini fridge.

Oh, I'll get her. Sooner or later.

Playboy and his brother // Marcus & Martinus Where stories live. Discover now