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"Marcus can you open the door?" Martinus asks knocking on my door.

"It's open you dumbass!" I say from my bed.

"Oh." Martinus says when he open the door. He closes it after him and sits next to me. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asks.

"Of course I'm not okay! I fucking hit my own twin." I yell.

"Hey Marcus it's okay, it really is. I hit you too." Martinus says.

"Maybe I should just go back to fucking everyone and get over Maja." I sigh.

"Marcus you have fucked everyone in Trofors already, I think that's enough of a sign to stop that." Martinus says. I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Hey you have had your fair share of the ladies too." I say. Martinus instantly blushes. That poor boy, so innocent, yet so dirty.

"Be quiet I don't want mom and dad knowing what I do on my free time." Martinus mumbles looking down.

"Are you ashamed of what you're going?" I ask.

"Well kinda, I don't wanna have the same reputation as you." He admits.

"Hey what's wrong with my reputation?" I throw my hands in the air.

"I think you know it yourself too. Nobody thinks you can be committed to a real relationship because you just go around school fucking everyone. Marcus, school!" Martinus explains. I know that he's not proud of what I do and this isn't the first time we have this conversation.

"Martinus I know how you feel about me doing this and I don't wanna have this conversation for the hundredth time." I sigh.

"Yea I know, sorry. I have to go now, I'm meeting Maja soon." Martinus says getting up. I feel my heart skip a beat just by hearing her name.

"Yea okay." I say quietly and watch him leave. I throw a pillow at the door when he shuts it and fall down on the bed.

I have been on my phone for a couple hours now when I hear the front door shut. That must be Martinus coming home. I hear him laugh. He's not alone. Is he with Maja? Why is he with him? Why are they here? What the fuck?

"Marcus come down!" Martinus yells from downstairs. I get up from bed and make sure my hair looks good. Then I open the door and go down.

"Uhh hey Maja. Martinus did you have something to say?" I wave to Maja and then turn to my brother.

"Marcus your eye! What happened?" Maja asks.

"Didn't Martinus explain?" I ask confused. Martinus looks as bad as me and Maja doesn't connect the dots on this.

"Explain what?" She asks.

"We kinda got into a fight." I say scratching the back of my head.

"Over what?" She turns to look at Martinus' eye.

"Oh it was nothing. We'd rather not talk about it." Martinus says quickly.

"Okay, well what do you wanna do?" Maja asks.

"I really wanna eat so maybe we could make tacos together?" I suggest. Martinus and Maja agree so we start making them.

While doing that me and Martinus explain things about our singing career and concerts and everything. It's kinda fun to hang out as friends.

We are sitting on the table and eating our food. I'm going through my phone and Snapchatting my friends.

"Can we do something fun?" I ask when we finish eating.

"Like what?" Martinus asks.

"I don't know, just something." I shrug my shoulder and put the dishes in the sink. Then I go to the living room trying to think what to do.

We end up playing games on the Wii and just having fun. Before I know it it's already 9pm and Maja has to leave.

"Goodnight Maja." Martinus says and hugs her. I just stand there and bite my lip. I wish I could hug her.

"Good night Martinus, I had fun with you guys today." Maja smiles at the both of us. I turn around to leave cause I can't watch this.

"Hey Marcus wait, can't I get a hug?" Maja asks. I start smiling like a small child in Disneyland. I turn around and give her a hug.

"Good night Maja, sleep well." I whisper in her ear. Then I let go and she leaves. I look after her.

"Marcus, earth calling!" Martinus snaps his fingers in front of my face. I shake out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I ask.

"You were practically drooling after her!" Martinus says.

"No I wasn't!" I try to deny it. We end up arguing about whether I drooled after that girl or not all the way upstairs until I turn on the PlayStation.

"So are we now agreed on not doing anything about her so this wouldn't happen again." Martinus says pointing at his black eye. I just nod. I really want Maja to myself but I also wanna keep me and my brother in one piece.

Playboy and his brother // Marcus & Martinus Where stories live. Discover now