Piper stretched her arms and sighed as Caleb got out of bed and put on some clothes, he grabbed a baseball cap and put it on backwards, Piper whistled at him and he flashed her a smile, "you sure you need to leave?" She asked jokingly, "I'd much rather stay and do bad things to you, but yes unfortunately I have to" he said biting her lower lip, Piper pouted as he backed away.

"I guess I'll hangout with Miranda, it's been a while" she said, thinking back to the night at the club, which she was now greatful for,  "hmm" Caleb replied,. "what's wrong? She asked, "don't let her fill your head with bullshit ok?"  He said, his voice sounding a little stressed, "what happened between you both?" Piper asked as she reached for one of his sweaters and pulled it over her head, it almost covering her entire dress, "she wanted to sleep with me, I turned her down" he shrugged, standing behind Piper and wrapping his arms around her, "oh" she said quietly sinking back into his chest, "were you not interested" she asked waiting quietly, he kissed her neck as he stood behind her, and she tilted her head to the side with a smile, "no, not really I'm not that fond of her" he answered honestly, Piper nodded, she wasn't sure if she was at the moment ither, not because she tried to sleep with him before,  but because of the club thing and the fact that she's been clearly ignoring her since she's been with Caleb.

They headed downstairs to the kitchen, and got something to eat, Piper couldn't help herself as she picked at the left over from dinner, "tell your family thank you again for dinner, especially your mom, it was so good" she said as she ate a piece of chicken, "I will let her know" he smiled holding out his hand, she placed hers in it and they left to bring her home. She was sad when they arrived, she didn't want to be away from him, which was bad she knew it, to be so attached to someone so quickly that's how she lost control the first time, she bit her lip at the thought, he sighed and looked to her as he parked outside her building, "this is gonna be the longest few days of my life" he laughed shaking his head, she nodded in agreement, "will you please call and be safe and come back fast" Piper said shyly, looking up at him from under her lashes, he smiled and leaned over to her, "I'll be back as soon as possible, you can believe that", he said, kissing her cheek. "You on the other hand, behave yourself, don't forget about me while I'm gone" he said smirking at her,. She scoffed and nearly choked, she looked him up and down playfully, "I think it would be impossible to forget about you" she giggled and kissed him long and hard before getting out of the car, he waved at her and she waved back, blowing him a kiss, "be safe" she called again and he nodded, winking at her before he drove off.

Piper watched him down the street until he was out of sight, she sighed and went inside finding a note from her parents,
"Hey Pipe, there's some breakfast in the fridge, your mother and I are gone shopping, text us when you see this so we know you're home -Dad"
Piper smiled and did just that, she texted him as she walked to her room, she sent the message and then got changed into sweatpants, taking the dress off, but keeping calebs sweater on, she slipped to the fridge and took the breakfast her dad had left her out and sat at the kitchen table to eat, she opended her laptop and put Netflix on for background noise as she ate and looked through her Facebook.

She noticed a friend request notification, and clicked on it, Tara, it was one of the girls she was dancing with from the party she smiled and accepted her, she liked her she remembered having a good time with her, and most importantly she remembered her not being phased by Caleb, Piper was pretty sure it was because she favoured women, but she had so much to drink she couldn't be sure, she was just happy to maybe have someone else to hang with. She needed that while Caleb was gone, she needed her own friends too, and more friends for that matter, since Miranda was clearly not working out.

Piper ate everything that was on the plate, she groaned regretting that decision immediately, she got up and put her dishes in the dishwasher, and decided to do a workout, her building had a gym in it that she had yet to even step foot in, she got changed reluctantly taking Calebs sweater off, and putting on a tank top.
She worked out for an hour before she decided to call it quits, she forgot how good it had felt, and she made a mental note to do this atleast once or twice a week.
She wondered what Caleb was doing as she showered and changed, he was leaving as soon as he got back to his house, and said he would call when he got to where he was going, Piper sat confused for a second, she didn't even realize that she forgot to ask where he was going, she shook her head, she was too disappointed that he was going to even ask where he would be, she would ask when he called she thought to herself.

She brushed her hair and pulled it back into a messy bun, before sitting on her floor with Polka, she rubbed her belly and scrolled through her phone, "Hey!" a message popped up it was from Tara, Piper smiled and answered her back, they chatted for a while and she told Piper she hopped it wasn't weird that she added her, and Piper assured her it was fine she needed all the friends she could get, as they talked Tara invited her to hangout with her and her friends, they were going out to dinner in two days time and then to have some drinks, Piper remembered the last time she went somewhere and had drinks with someone, they left her there! But she met Caleb she smiled to herself, she agreed and told Tara she was looking forward to it.

She wondered how Caleb would feel about her going out drinking without him, but she shook her head "no" she thought, 'she was her own person and he would want her to have fun, this would not be like her last relationship', she nodded to herself.
She sat on her bed dragging her dog up with her and put on a movie, she watched quietly as she ate some chips and rubbed polkas belly, she felt lonely, but she knew the time apart would be good too, she sat back and  watched her movie trying to ignore how heavy her heart was feeling.

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