"Oh my God, that was embarrassing.." I muttered, blushing furiously. Marcus grinned.

"I'll take that as a yes. I'll get it ready and give you some time to change." He left the room, still grinning. I rolled my eyes at his annoyingly muscular back and started rumaging through the largest of the boxes. After about five minutes of searching, I finally found the old, oversized batman t-shirt and grey tracksuits that I usually wore to bed. The t-shirt actually belonged to Noah, but I stole it off him. The tracksuits were an after thought, as I didn't really want to walk around in just a t-shirt on my first night here.

Yes, you do. Marcus will love it. My wolfs annoying voice said. I rolled my eyes at her.

'No way am I walking around like that! I haven't even been here an hour yet.'

After putting them on, I threw my hair into a messy pony tail and headed downstairs. I could smell the pizza cooking, making my stomach grumble even more. I padded into the kitchen and had a look around. Marcus wasn't in here, but I could hear him walking around outside the room.

The kitchen was painted white, with silver cookers and and sink. The bottoms of the counters were entirely made of white cupboards, and the counter itself was a pale wood. Utensils were thrown around the counters or were dangling on little metal hangers.

"Don't you own anything that actually fits?" Marcus said from close behind me. I squealed and jumped around, my heart threatening to burst from my chest.

"Don't do that!" I cried, putting a hand over my chest. Marcus smirked and looked me slowly up and down. I blushed, fiddling with the hem of the shirt. Marcus wore a pair of gray tracksuits and a t-shirt, but unlike mine, his hugged his body tightly. The shirt showed off all the muscles he had, which curved and swelled when he moved. As he lent over to check on the pizza, the trousers hugged his perfectly formed rear, making me blush even more.

"Where are the plates?" I asked, trying to find a way to distract myself.

"In there." He replied, nodding towards a cupboard on the other side of the kitchen. I opened it up and bent down to get some, unable to contain a grin when Marcus inhaled sharply. I composed myself before turning around and passing him the plates. Our fingers touched gently, sending fireworks up and down my arm. I looked up at him, and got caught up in his eyes.

They were the color of a stormy sea, a mass of dark blue and green. They stood out against his tanned skin and golden blonde hair. His high cheekbones and strong jaw made him look intimidating, as he looked down at me. I blushed, unable to look away.

I felt a stab of empathy for him. Why was a guy who looks like him stuck with a mate like me? Scarred, ugly, useless, weak. Why had the Gods put us together? We were nothing alike.

But as these thoughts entered my mind, Marcus placed the plates behind us on the counter and wrapped his arm around my waist. The breath got stuck in my throat at the contact. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter, my legs either side of his waist. Even now, he was taller so I had to bend my neck to see his face.

Keeping one hand on my back, he pressed himself up against me and tangled his fingers in my long hair. Our foreheads were touching, our breath mixing. My breathing sped up, my heart rate erratic. I could feel his breathing speed up too. Slowly, I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck. Our bodies were even closer now.

"God, you're so beautiful." He whispered. I could feel his lips moving against my cheek. His lips dragged gently over my neck, sending manic shivers down my spine. I gasped quietly, squeezing my eyes shut. His fingertips stroked my waist so lightly I could hardly feel them. His lips trailed down over my shoulder then across my throat and towards my mouth. He pulled away for a moment, our breath mixing.

The tension in the room increased. It felt like a blanket, covering our heads. The air got hot, the oxygen running out. The temperature increased, and so did my desire to throw the covers off and breathe in a lung full of cool air. So I kissed him. I swallowed my fear and insecurities and crushed my lips to his. His fingers gripped my hair tightly, our lips tightly pressed together.

His lips were slightly cracked against my soft ones, his hands dry and rough against my skin. The kiss drenched me in cold air, ripping the soft blanket off us. Shivers ran up and down my body at the closeness of our skin, the hair rising on my neck as he nibbled on my lips.

A knock on the door snapped us out of it. I immediately shoved Marcus away, slapping my hand over my mouth. How could I fall for that? God, I'm stupid.

"I'll get it." Marcus muttered, his lips swollen and his hair ruffled from my fingers. I nodded slowly, not trusting myself to speak. I could hear him open the door and speak in a low voice, but I wasn't really paying attention. My hands were running over my neck and lips, a smile playing at my features. Despite the voices in my head telling me I was being ridiculous, I giggled quietly, deliriously happy.

I was snapped out of it when an enraged Noah stormed through the door.

"What the hell were you doing?" he yelled. I flinched and got off the counter.

"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously, trying to subtly sort out my hair.

"Don't even try. I know that look. keep your hands off each other." he growled, "you left your phone in the truck."

He threw it at me the stormed out. I blinked, shocked at his anger. what had happened?

"Still want that pizza?" Marcus asked quietly, his eyes following Noah out the house. I nodded, not meeting his gaze.

Needless to say, it was an awkward dinner.

Embraced ScarsWhere stories live. Discover now