{20} - Congratulations, Belle

Start from the beginning

"This is unbelievable. You have been in this house for less than three minutes and you're already crying", Rami said.

"I can do it outside if you'd like".

Rami walked towards Belle, sitting right in front her. They made painful eye contact as he was gathering the courage to ask his girlfriend a question that had been lingering inside his head for a long time.

"You don't love me, do you dear?".

Belle lowered her head, taking a few seconds before answering his question. She still loved him, but he kept hurting her every day.

"Not anymore, Rami".

He didn't ask why, he just chuckled.

"How could you let a man you don't love leave a child inside of you, Belle? Are you really that insensible?".

Belle gasped, his words making her head ache.

"I'm not pregnant, Rami", she affirmed, looking at him again. Her words sounded firm and convincible.

"Yes, you are", he stated. "It's obvious, I mean, look at yourself. You're the only one who's in denial".

"So If I'm indeed pregnant, what would happen?".

"Wait until he or she is born", Rami shrugged.

"Why is it so goddamn difficult for you to be serious, Rami? What the hell is wrong with you?", Belle winced, she couldn't believe she was probably going through one of the hardest moments of her life and Rami wasn't being serious about it at all, handling the situation as if it was a sarcasm contest.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you", he yelled. "Yes, you're going to be a mother, I'm going to be a father. Congratulations, I guess", he rolled his eyes.

"It's a role that won't last for five, ten or thirty years. It's a role that will last for the rest of our lives, I don't know how you can be so nonchalant about it".

"Because people usually lose their minds over it because of how expensive it is to raise a child", he said, still feeling irritated. "You and I don't have to worry about that. We'll be fine, it's just that you're overreacting".

Belle stared at him, seething at her unconcerned boyfriend. She still had so many things to tell him, but decided to stop, her head was aching really bad.

"So you're not mad? Not angry? Not going to throw a tantrum, tell me that the baby isn't yours or tell me to abort it?", she asked, still surprised when he said he was going to become a parent too.

"No", he responded. "I'm not as bad as you think I am, Belle".

She sighed, the fact that he wasn't going to argue with her about the baby had relieved her a little.

"I'm going to take a blood test tomorrow", she said. "I'll get the results tomorrow night, after I visit my father".

"But don't forget that we have another important matter to take care of".


"Our wedding".

"Our wedding?", she frowned.

"Well, you're probably pregnant".

"I'm not going to marry you".


"What does it feel to know that I'm several spots higher on the charts above that weird band you like?", Freddie teased. "You thought that your old man had already reached his peak".

"Well, I have to admit I'm surprised by your single's success, Dad", Belle said. "People are not used to these type of songs. But I hear it everywhere, it's awkward".

"Why awkward?", he asked his daughter.

"Because whenever that song plays in public, everyone keeps staring at me", she said, smiling. "But I'm already used to that. I've been in worse situations, like when they play "We Are The Champions", everyone sings the chorus, and it makes my ears bleed".

Freddie let out a laugh and clapped.

"Oh, darling, I hate to admit that I know exactly what you're talking about".

Belle watched him laugh, and smiled. She remembered just how lucky she was to have him in his life. She was probably reaching her lowest point — she had not even slept well — but her father always made her feel better, encouraging her without him even knowing.

Belle was about to tell her father another anecdote regarding his songs when she felt the urgent need to throw up, covering her mouth with her hand, but somehow managed to hold it back. Freddie looked at her, confused.

"Is the food really that bad, Belle?".

"No, Dad", she denied. "It's just that I've been feeling a little bit sick lately, but I'm already taking medication".

She wondered what was the point of lying to her father, when she was probably pregnant anyways, and she could not keep that as a secret forever.

"Oh, okay", he uttered. "And tell me, are you still dating that Rami guy?".

Belle sighed, remembering yet another important factor. Freddie wasn't fond of Rami at all, he had always perceived him as a rude and conceited man. He had even told his daughter that dating Roger would have been better, adultery and all.

"Yes, Dad", she answered, staring down, feeling somewhat guilty. "Why?".

"You already know I don't like him", he stated. "The press keeps printing rumours about it and to be honest, I'm not even going to deny them. You deserve so much better, Belle. I don't know why you're with him".

His words felt like knife wounds to her soul, not because he disapproved of her boyfriend, but because she was probably carrying his child inside of her.

"Well... he's nice to me. You have a wrong perception of him".

She knew very well her father actually had a perfect perception of him.

"I think I should calm down, right? At least he's only your boyfriend. You can leave him anytime you want. We should go to a party together. You'll meet hot boys".

"But I don't want to break up with Rami, Dad", she responded. "I'm sorry that you don't like him. But I love him".

"Okay, you win. He's the ideal guy for you. But I think you should move back here".

"You have to accept that I'm happy living with him".

"I can't".


4 hours later

Adam entered the lab, ready to see his mother's results. He turned around and saw paparazzi taking pictures outside of the building, and suddenly got excited, that meant someone famous was near.

Belle Bulsara entered the room, and sat next to him. He gasped, and decided to talk to her.

"Hi. I'm Adam Lambert. You're Belle, right?". Well, that sounded awkward, he thought.

"Hello, yes I am", she smiled.

"I work with your boyfriend, Rami".

"Oh, really?", her eyes widened. "That's cool. Why are you here? Are you alright?".

"Yes, I am. I'm just here for my mother's results. You?".

"I'm here to get tested for dengue fever. I have not been feeling very well lately".

"I hope you feel better".

"Thank you".


"Roger, are you awake?", Adam asked over the phone.

"I am, Adam. Why are you calling me? Is everything okay?".

"Guess who I just saw".



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