"I always worry about you," She told her and Camila kissed her cheek.

"I know, that's the problem," She laughed slightly, lips tickling Lauren's skin.

They stayed in the embrace until the sound of a car pulling up was heard and Lauren was forced to pull away.

"I love you so much. Be brave and I'll see you in a few hours," Camila pecked her lips quickly, handing her her purse and smiling reassuringly.

"I love you too. Call me if you need anything," Lauren rushed, kissing the top of her head before running out of the room.

And then Camila was alone, something which she'd feared for months now.

It was the first time she'd been alone and free. She could go wherever she wanted. She giggled happily, collapsing on the bed and squealing excitedly before letting out a content sigh.

It was a nice thought to have.

Lauren didn't know how many times she could listen to people apologise before she screamed.

Apologising for her father, for Nick, for what her family must be going through.

And she had the same response to them all - a fake smile as she thanked them and assured them that she'd be okay.

Her siblings seemed to be going through the same ordeal and she managed to steal them away because Taylor looked on the verge of tears whilst Chris looked moments away from smacking them.

She pulled Taylor into a hug, kissing the top of her head and rubbing her hands up her arms before pulling away.

"You look so grown up Tay, wow, you're just like mom," She smiled softly.

"Of course she looks grown up, you haven't seen us in months," Chris snapped, wrapping an arm around his youngest sister.

"Chris," Lauren started but was quickly cut off.

"You-you left us with him! Whilst you were off busy with her," He spat.

The argument quickly ended because Lucy pushed her way towards them, grabbing Lauren's arm and pulling her away after excusing them.

"The funerals about to start, we're at the front," She informed her.

It wasn't a surprise. Apart from his brothers, Nick had no other family.

The church was busy.

That's what Lauren could tell from where she was sat, her eyes fixated on anywhere but the coffin as she focused on Lucy's hand in hers.

She sat through multiple speeches that she zoned out of because they were so formal and nothing like Nick.

Her friend who used to sneak her out the house to go to parties and beat up any boy who dared treat her wrong was gone.

Gone because of her.

And now people were hurting, even more than before. There were easily over a hundred people in the church, mourning a boy, a friend, a family member who was dead because of her.

Possession ➸ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now