"Did you change them back? Wouldn't you miss them terribly?" Audri's eyes were large and intent on her speaker.

"I did not. They deserved to live in peace after everything they went through. Of course I miss them terribly, but I know that this would be less of a hardship on their minds. Sometimes I want to have them again, to give out dental floss for Halloween, or show them the kids. But it's already too late," Hermione said wistfully. "But I had a choice. Just like you."

"I don't have a choice. My parents don't want me. I know it's because they don't like magic," Audri turned her eyes to the ground, as they turned around.

"But you do. You have the choice to forgive you parents, and love them for taking you and loving you as much as they could. Or you could choose to hate them, despise them for not keeping you. Raising a child is difficult, you know? I can't imagine what it would be like to raise a magical one, and not know how to deal with them. Muggles don't understand magic, so they fear it. Some, like my dad, were fascinated by it, but others, like a certain Dursely couple I know, fear it. Because of its strength and danger," Hermione finished and gave Audri a serious look. "Do you know what you choose?"

"I suppose you are right," Audri said after thinking over her choices. "I still don't understand why they couldn't be more like your parents. But I guess this was their way of saying they still love me, even though I'm not like them," Audri said wisely. Wisely for an eleven year old, but all the same.

"Should we head back? I think you understand more of the importance of your life," Hermione said.

"Yes," Audri said quietly, pondering what she had just been told.

"You have a long way to go. Being a Hufflepuff, I know you'll work hard, and I heard you're quite curious and intelligent."

"Can I ask you something?" Audri looked at her newest mentor.


"Do you think my real mother would love me?" Hermione looked taken aback, most likely thinking the question would be simpler.

"Of course. Every mother lvoes her child, whether she, or the child, knows it or not. And I'm sure your father would have loved you even more. He loved enough to sacrifice, his love ran so deep," Hermione put an arm around her shoulder. Audri's eyes began to well up.

"He doesn't want me. I talked to his portait in Professore Sprout's office. He said I could never be his child," Hermione gasped.

"I believe he was in shock. I was under the pretense that he never knew he had a child," Hermione rubbed her arm, and held the door open. "Trust me. If anything, he probably wants to know more about you. I'm sure, if not this year, he will ask for you again. It would be quite unlike him not to take Dumbledore's advice, and Dumbledore would want you two to know each other."

"I spoke to Dumbledore as well. He was very nice," Hermione chuckled.

"Morning," George said as he brushed past the girls, looking very serious.

"Oh," said Hermione. "How about some break fast?" The table was set with various breakfast foods, and more people awake. although Teddy, Ron, and the Longbottom twins were still asleep.

"Good morning," Neville said sleepily with a steaming cup of coffee. "Luna, what did you give the boys last night? They're conked out."

"I only gave them hot chocolate. They stayed up very late, though," Luna gave him a plate of food, which she had carefully put together to look like a christmas ornament. Audri noted how Luna did this every so often, much to the enjoyment of her children. She wondered how she did it so quickly, because her food was always steaming when served, but sometimes it was artistically placed.

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