Chapter 4: Look Who's in Arithmancy and What's Inside Indie's Bag...

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Audri woke up fresh in her dorm, feeling exceptionally happy with all the lovely yellows. They had changed the dorm from that harsh mustard yellow to a softer, hazy yellow that was easier on the eyes. Indira seemed already gone, but Tessa, Eldrida, and Cherie were still asleep in their respective beds. She wished Indira was there; they always had breakfast together on the first day of classes. But..... Since she was gone maybe Audri could find out what was happening to her. Obviously Indira wasn't always so sleepy or lagged, there had to be something else at work.

Audri hurriedly put on her robes and ran a brush through her long blonde hair, it ran waist length -you could imagine the time it took to dye the high lights- and splashed some cold water from a waiting jug on her face. Wizards never put make up on-they hardly knew how to apply Muggle things! The one time she'd brought mascara, no one knew how to use it and it ended up frightening Eldrida a bit with it's scary brush. They never played with make up again. Wizards preffered natural beauties any ways.

Audri looked around to still find her roomies sleeping, so she grabbed Indie's bag and stashed it with her, behind the curtains of her poster bed. She opened it to reveal: a brush, some extra quills and ink, some hair peices and a vial! The vial! It was rather large and filled with a watery, jaded liquid. Just looking at it made Audri feel queasy. What sort of potion was this? She'd never come across something like this before. It was not particularly foul, yet it wasn't something that made her feel safe about it. She uncorked it, it actually smelled minty. Refreshing. She felt a slight haze cover her mind, so she stoppered it again. She'd have to ask old Slughorn later, if he was in a mood. The man was almost always in a right state the year before. Once more, Audri rose from her bed, this time to replace Indira's items and grab her bag, hat, badge, and of course her wand. She hated wearing the hat, but they almost always knocked points for not wearing it the first few weeks of school. And the purple badge was just flashing every student near her. She knew the mockeries to come..........

"Get up! You're going to miss breakfast!" She shouted, while giving a graying Peregrine some food. Poor thing didn't look too well any more. Thankfully Ione would only visit her at night. If only they lived in a tower, she had the feeling that Ione didn't like grass, and of course Hufflepuffs were placed in the basment, beneath the grass.

Her friends angrily, or groggily arose, showing her, ostentatiously, that they were up and she was able to leave. Audri ran out, hating crawling through the barrel, even if she was small enough to crouch. They really should remodel the Hufflepuff entrance. Some students, like Ethan, had a hard time crawling through the barrel. Teddy woudl have too, but he normally shrank himself down, more for the enjoyment of others. At breakfast, Teddy and Victoire were snogging, Ethan was hastily eating porridge whilst reading the Daily Prophet, and Indira was dazedly scooping at her own bowl, which happened to still be full.

"Good morning!" She sat across from them all, just grabbing toast. "I can't believe this is it! We are all going to be adults!"

"Shut up will you? I'm trying to pay attention to my girl," Teddy rose an eyebrow comically.

"The only thing you're paying attention to is that boner you're getting from snogging," Audri replied with a laugh. Ethan covered his face with the paper, having spit out a little porridge. Indira made no effort to show emotion. "Are you alright?"

"Oh I'm fine," Indira smiled back, although it was fooling no one. She looked like she was sleep walking, her eyes were so droopy and her smile so lopsided.

"Can I talk to you later? Tonight?" Audri whispered, leaning as far as she could over the table.

"Perhaps. I have a meeting with Professor Ash tonight about my schedule," Indira responded with hazed eyes. Audri nodded and got up to leave, saluting Ethan her goodbye, as Teddy was making disgusting noises in Victoire's mouth. She went to wait for Arithmancy to start. Sometimes, Audri didn't like hanging around people for too long. You see, she wanted to draw very badly. When she found Indie's potion, she began to arouse mixed feelings about how she should react. So, her form of journaling was drawing. She sat against the wall, not even thinking before the quill went across the paper, and across again, and again, until it began to form a beautiful poppy. She used to love drawing roses, or petunias, or even lillies, but lately Audri found a love for poppies. Their distinctive soft petals were hard to draw, making it a game for her. To do better than the last time, until she could reach something so perfect it had to be real.

"That's lovely," Ethan nodded his head at her work and slid down next to her. They still had a few more minutes until it was time for the Hogwarts students to scramble to class. She hastily started putting her things away-a journal should be kept private.

"Where's your first period?" She asked, taking care not to look at him while she closed her bag.

"Uh, Arithmancy," He smiled at himself. She peeked at him through her long blonde locks. He was serious. And then, like that, the bell rang and the door opened like magic. Arithmancy was one of the few classrooms that the teacher had kept the door on lock until the bell rang. Professor Vector enjoyed his privacy.

"I didn't think you were continuing," Audri said, leading them to the front table. She knew, rather wisely, that they'd be the only outsiders among Ravenclaws. Other houses hardly ever took seventh year Arithmancy.

"Nope. I talked it over with my parents and Professor Ash, looks like I'm going to be a forensic Healer," He sits on her right, as the rest of the class, Ravenclaws, wander in, chattering in obnoxious tones about knowledgable topics. Audri hated how pompous Ravenclaws could be, the know it alls!

"What is a Forensic Healer?" Audri's eye brows knitted. She took out parchment and her regular ink quills. Ethan followed her in suit.

"It's like...." He paused to think. "When there are crimes, I would be the specialist to make potions to know the exact time someone died, or complicated charms to figure out the exact way a person was killed."

"Aurors don't know these things?" It sounded like something Aurors should be trained on.

"Well, they can use handy spells they remember as to find out who died, or how to catch the scoundrels," Ethan chuckled.

"Seventh years!" Professor Vector shouted and clapped his hands as if he were an evil magician. "Let's see, one, two, three......"

Audri turned her attention to the teacher. She supposed it would be a nice year with Ethan. She hated being alone in classes, especially around Slytherins or Ravenclaws, and he was one of her best friends. Yet, she couldn't help feeling herself blush just looking at his blue eyes, or her hands flutter on the desk, so near his own. She mentally slapped herself for thinking so stupidly

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