Full Hearts Can't Lose

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Phil's POV

*What Seemed Like Hours Later*

*Which It Probably Was*

Pain. Agony. Stiffness. Sadness. Fear. Worry. Anxiety. Hope. And Horror. Those were the only things my brain could make of since the last time I had shut my eyes on those stairs. Was I dead? Was Dan dead? The negative thoughts kept drilling a hole in my brain, why did I question these sorts of things? Suddenly, I could see! Where was I? Oh, I was in a hospital, I looked around and I almost cried. There just centimeters from me was, well, me...!? I was staring at my body! I seemed to be alive, I looked at my hands. They were see-through!? I shifted my body and I saw Dan. "DAN!?" I ran to him, he seemed to be alive, he had a tube going into his mouth, probably to help him breathe. He was bloody and bruised with wraps all around his body as his heart rate was steady on the monitor. I watched, helplessly, as his heart rate started to drop and the buzzer started blaring. Racing into the hallway I began shouting for someone to help, but...no one heard me. I rushed back into the room and attempted several times to grab Dan's hands but to no prevail. "N-No! Dammit, Dan! Don't you dare die on me! Please! I'm here!!" 

Tears started flowing down my cheeks as doctors and nurses rushed to Dan's side. I felt my heart skip a couple beats as they continually did CPR on his chest, shocking him, trying to get some sort of response. Finally, after several failed attempts to bring him back, Dan was alive, gasping for air. He seemed as if he was crying as he looked towards the doctor, my heart shattered, "Where's Phil? Is he okay? Did he make it here? WHERE'S PHIL!?" I saw his heart break through his expressions as the nurse pointed at my body, tears flooding his eyes as he attempted to reach and grab my hand, "P-Phil?...P-Phil...W-Wake up...P-please..." his eyes met the doctor's, "Can't he be closer t-to me?...I-I need to-he needs to k-know that I'm...I'm..." the nurse smiled as she cut him off by nodding. She walked over to my bed and wheeled my bed closer to him. Both warmed and killed me to see him smiled and cry as he reached for my hand. Somehow I could feel the heat of his hand on mine, weird yeah I know and I don't know how I could feel this but it made me smiled. "P-Phil?...P-Phil please...W-Wake up...D-Don't you dare l-leave me!" his words were flooding with sobs and cracking with pain.

*Hours Later*

I never left Dan's side. Sure, my in-laws came and visited but I still wasn't technically awake. I wanted nothing more than to wake up and talk to him again. Suddenly, the door to our room swung open and Isabella and Dil ran into the room. "DAD! DADDY" instantly I got to my feet and ran to them...but...they went right through me...like I wasn't even there... Isabella and Dan were both crying as they embraced each other, "I-I thought you both were gone" she muttered as she buried her head in his chest, I could tell he was trying to keep himself together for the kids as he cradled her in his arms. Her head turned towards my body, "I-Is D-Dad d-dea-" 

"NO!" Isabella stepped back as tears fell from Dan's eyes, he was trying to keep himself from breaking but he broke. "Y-Your D-Dad is...is...P-Phil is g-gonna be..." I felt my heart break as I watched him turn to me and grab my hand, (well my bodies hand), Isabella looked down at Dil and they soon left the room. 

It seemed that only minutes had gone by and Dan was fast asleep. Not long after a nurse walked in, she looked to be about five foot four with brown curly hair and glasses. She checked Dan's vitals and it seemed that she was crying as she noticed Dan's hand intertwined with mine, she slowly made her way towards my body as I watched her every movement. I sat down in the chair just watching her sit down in front of my body and look at Dan and my hands. She sighed, "Listen...Phillip, you have a family out here, their waiting for you. Yeah I know you're unconscious right now but I also know you can hear and see me. So, if you want to be back here...You got to use whatever fight you got left in you to push yourself wake." 

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