All In Good Time

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*Nine Years Later*

*8:17 AM Monday, September 1st*

Dan's POV

Sunlight, hitting my eyelids as the morning sunlight lit up my bedroom window. Blinking my eyes open to see Phil's head laid on my chest, he was so precious. "Morning Dan," he mumbled as I ran my fingers through his fringe and kissed his forehead

"Morning Phil," I smiled as he yawned and buried his head into the crook of my neck, "We should probably wake the Isabella up for school, yeah?" he groaned as I giggled. Slowly, I sat up and covered Phil in blankets as I threw on a shirt that was on our floor. Honestly, I probably would still be asleep if I didn't have kids that went to school. I never was really a 'morning person' to begin with. 

Isabella's door was covered in rainbow, unicorn and Disney princess drawings. Cracking her door open slightly to see a little girl, already in her cute pink and purple sweater that she had Phil buy for her. She must've noticed me as she was taking out her braids, "Hey Dad" she smiled. 

"Ready for school?" I laughed as she grabbed her black, glittery bag and threw it over her shoulders smiling. We hopped in the car and headed towards her school. It isn't much of a 'city school' but it's still a school. Isabella seemed, well I don't know somehow she seemed 'off' about something, I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Hey," her green eyes slowly looking up into mine, "you okay?" she nodded, letting a small smile grow across her face. I knew she was lying about her feelings but it's too early to start an argument about this. I nodded, hugged her and waved her goodbye as she headed towards the doors. 

...I hope she's okay...

*Back At The Flat*

Opening the door to hear the scampering of little feet and giggles. I knelt down and prepared for the daily routine to run its course. "Daddy's home!" echoed around the apartment as Dil's ran around the corner and into my arms, as I lifted him into the air Phil entered the room.

He walked up to me and planted a kiss on my lips, "Tesco already came, I put the grocery's away, I cleaned house and I made breakfast, then this little man woke up" he smiled as Dil giggled.

"Phil, you didn't have to do all of that," I laughed while setting the keys on the counter, "I could've helped in some way"

Phil's eyes left my glance and slowly looked back up towards mine, a smile grew on his face. I knew what he was saying without words. my cheeks started to get hot as Phil pulled me into a hug and planted a kiss on them, smiling, "You're so bad Daniel," he laughed as he and Dil left the room.


It was about two o'clock in the afternoon, Phil and I had just finished filming a video for the gaming channel and Dil was playing quietly in his room as I had assumed the browsing position in the lounge. While scrolling through my emails I noticed some from Isabella's principal. Hopefully, it wasn't about something she did, wait did she do something?!

Dear Mr. and Mr. Howell-Lester;

We regret to inform you that there will need to be a meeting between yourselves and me this Friday regarding Isabella's school work and some other things. please feel free to contact our office and book a time that's suitable for you to meet with us. 

Thank you and have a good day.


Principal Brian Richards

Oh Lord, what happened now? I looked up away from the computer, Phil's head on my lap, he was sound asleep after the long morning he's had. Smiling, I really didn't want to wake him but we needed to discuss this. I lowered my mouth close to his ear, "Phil?" he moaned as a sign to telling me to 'fuck off' but this was important, "Phil we need to talk about something important"

His soft blue eyes blinked open, "what's up?" he yawned as he shifted his body so his back was laying on the couch and his chest was in the air. 

"Isabella's principal emailed me saying we need to have a meeting with him this Friday about Isabella" I sighed as my fingers intertwined with his.

Phil's eyes widened, "What happened?"

"they didn't include that part," I shrugged, "but I suspect that it can't be something about her grades, she's a ninety percent average student"

Phil's eyes were filled with concern, "Should we ask her about this at dinner?"

"Probably" I nodded as my mind started to wander in the fact that this conversation could end up going horribly wrong. 

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