Wake Up

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Dan's POV

*The Next Morning*

Loud noises forced me awake. My eyes looked around for Phil, he was standing by the door, he seemed slightly better than he had last night. He turned his head slightly and a small smile formed on his face, "Good morning Dan, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, my back is sore as fuck but it's okay," my eyes met his, "how is she?"

His smiled slightly faded, "Well, she was in surgery till five this morning...but they said she should be awake in an hour so we can see her then," 

He seemed tired and out of energy, "Bloody hell Phil, how long have you been awake?" 

He chuckled and took his seat beside me, "Since the end of her surgery this morning" 

"Why didn't you wake me?" he smiled and kissed me,

"I didn't think it'd be very nice of me to wake you of such a wonderful sleep, besides nothing happened" I smiled and pressed our lips together

"You're a twat, I hope you know that" he laughed and pulled me close to him,

"But I'm your twat"

*One Hour Later*

Honestly, it felt like days had gone by but in reality, it was only an hour. Wow, my time perception is way off. Family members had come and gone, friends too as well as Louise and Dil, however, we didn't tell Dil the entire details. We didn't him being more scared of the situation than he already was. "Mr. and Mr. Howell-Lester?" a short, well shorter than me anyway, approached us with papers and a clipboard as we quickly got to our feet,

"Y-yes?" Phil's voice was shaking

"Well, Mr. and Mr. Howell-Lester, Isabella has suffered major scars to her arms as well as some bruises covering her body," she looked at us with a concern filled glance, "can you tell me why this is?" After twenty minutes of Phil and I explaining the situation, the lady nodded, "Okay, well she will be able to go home," she handed us a prescription letter, "she needs to take these twice every day for the next month then bring her back to see us" Phil looked at her, she smiled at him, "Yes, yes you can go see her now"

"Thank you" I smiled as she nodded and walked away. Slowly, I turned to Phil as we pushed the doors open and walked into Isabella's room. Just six feet from us was our little girl, strapped into a bed with all sorts of wires monitoring her blood as well as her heart rate. Her arms were all wrapped up, and her bruises patched up. My heart was breaking just having to look at her in this condition, and I knew Phil felt the same way. She must've been still asleep but at least we could see her, we quietly made our way across the room to her side, we slowly pulled chairs up so we could sit by her. Phil's hand gently sat on my shoulder, hot tears welled in my eyes as I buried my head in his chest, sobbing quietly. Phil's other hand holding my head as his tears fell from his face and on to his shirt. 

Suddenly, something cold brushed against my back. Turning around I felt my heart slightly grow in my heart. Phil gasped as his hand gripped my shoulder, as I reached for the cold small hand. Her eyes slowly blinking open, "D-Daddy?" Her voice cracking and soft, "D-Dad?"

Hot tears started running down my face, "We're here baby girl" Phil and I both touched her cold hand, "you're safe"  

A slight smile spread across her face but soon faded into sadness, "I-I'm so sorry" Phil walked up to her and kissed her forehead,

"You have nothing to be sorry about sweetheart...all that matters is that you're safe" she looked up at him in confusion but he just nodded as a small smile spread across her face. 

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