• C H A P T E R 13 | WHAT AM I REALLY? •

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"Well she won't talk to me..." he murmured. "But you do know her, right? Maybe she'll talk with you, Moirai? Astra is here" the guy said to both of us.

I don't know who the hell that Astra is okay? Just trynna get some rest people. You can't make me talk.

"She looks dead, I don't know, can't tell" the other guy responded, I am not dead why does everyone say I am? my mind shouted. This is really confusing and it makes me wanna go back home.

"No no, she just closed her eyes, a few minutes ago she was staring at me" the old guy replied. "Moirai? Astra is here" he called to me once again, for how many times, my name is Karen, not Moirai, and I don't know and don't care whoever Astra is!

"No, no, she's not called Moirai in the earth, and she doesn't know me as Astra" the other replied, wow you people really had to check my background?

"Okay then, well what does she know?" The older guys voice hummed. I wondered if he's really like that ready to adjust at any time for any one guy.

"Karen. She knows me as Trystann" he replied.

The moment he said my name I didn't care, but the moment he said Trystann's name my eyes opened up wide in a millisecond and my head turned to him without caring about the pain it would cause to my neck, I glanced at him, his furrowed eyebrows, cute smile, deep blue oceanic eyes, he was Trystann, it was him, I knew so clearly.

"Trystann!" I cried unto him, At these moments I need nobody but him and I know that hes the only one I need. I tried to sit up by pulling on the mattress sheets and the window corner, with all hope it was successful, but I couldn't leave my back not leaning on the wall. I knew pain controlled my body at the moment, but I didn't care at the moment, it was him and that's whats important. My body seemed to become numb with the pain I was feeling since I focused on something else.

"No, no, calm down you'll hurt yourself!" Trystann told me and started to support my back on the wall.

"Finally! She could talk!" the old guy said, he looked quite joyful enough. I just stared at Trystann, not caring about anything else, he was so warm, I could feel it from his arm behind my back.

"Does it still hurt everywhere?" Trystann asked me, I looked at the old guy with the that's-how-you-ask-it face. I didn't know what to reply, but I knew that I did want to reply.

"I'm okay now, it still hurts a little but it feels like I'm numb" I replied to him, smiling or smirking, I don't know. "but I'm okay now, now that you're here" I continued. I didn't want to say that. But the words spilled out of my mouth, without thinking, I just said it. I just hoped that I said it soft enough for anybody to understand.

"Okay so you really speak, but why don't you talk to me?" The old guy said. "Am I not good enough?" he kidded asking Trystann.

"I like consistency, but you're erratic. She doesn't know you, which means you have to let her know you first" Trystann told him. And people that's how you say it. I felt like I needed to cooperate a little more and say something. But in control now.

"You're name is?" I asked him, his smile came back to his face and spoke,

"Helius" He prompted, "My name is Helius"

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