ch 20 - A question on Patroni

Start from the beginning

"What? James you don't even know who he is. He is so suspicious. He could be a Death Eater for Merlin's sake!" Remus shouted.

"Ferfucksake Moony, a Death Eater would sacrifice himself for me?" posed Sirius. "Even my own father tried to kill me once, but Harry took the bleedin' killing curse for me!" Sirius exclaimed.

"But --"

"Relax Moony, we've gotten over this. If he was a bad person, then why would he have saved Sirius when we were battling against Voldemort?"

"I guess."

"Yeah. Trust me. Harry Parker is a good guy." James nodded.

"Wait. Voldemort. That reminds me. How did he survive the killing curse? And also, he was speaking Parseltongue tongue for God's sake. If that isn't evidence that he is a dark wizard, then I don't don't know what is."

"Maybe he learned it?"

Suggested James. Remus didn't seem convinced by that at all.

"You're just being paranoid Moony."

Remus sighed. "Ok fine", he said, holding his hands up. The was a moment of silence before Remus spoke up again.

"Guys, one more thing."


"No Sirius, I'm not suggesting that he is a bad wizard, but on that night with Voldemort, do you remember that Voldemort kept calling him Potter?"

"I know right? That dumb old wanker couldn't even tell us apart," said James. "But what has that got to do with anything?"

"Because Harry has lied to us about his identity."

There was a pause.

"I think it's more likely that Voldemort got his facts mixed up."

"Guys?" asked James. "I'm kinda lost here..."

"Harry seems quite young doesn't he? And, oh yeah. Didn't he say that he was twenty?"

"Yeah, so?" James and Sirius questioned at the same time.

"So if he's only three years older than us, then we should have seen him at Hogwarts."

"Maybe he went to Durmstrang or Beauxbatons or Ilvermorny?" suggested James.

Remus sighed. "If he went to school abroad, why would he move here? Surely it's safer in France or Bulgaria or America than it is here. You know, with Voldemort on the loose and everything," he asked.

"Never mind that, the better question is how he survived the killing curse," replied Sirius.

There was another pause.

"No idea, mate," said Remus after a while.

"Bloody Hell, this is probably the first time our Remy has been rendered speechless!" Sirius exclaimed.

"We should just ask him. There's no harm in that. And even if he was a Death Eater, he wouldn't do kill us right under Dumbledore's nose, would he?" said James.

"Yeah, fine then," Remus agreed.

"So, when's our next defense lesson then?" Sirius asked.
Remus's eyes traveled to the clock hung on the damaged wall of the shack.

"Woah, guys it's been a whole hour since Harry left! And we've got our class with him, right now!"

"We've got to run then," Sirius said.

"Yeah, C'mon guys, let's go."

Once the class was finished, the marauders quickly filled Peter in on the discussion they had in the Shack.

"Where were you, anyway?" Sirius demanded.

"I - I dunno, I lost you guys at the Quidditch Pitch and I completely forgot about the moon and and, err, I -- well," stammered Peter.

"S'alright mate," said James. "Everyone forgets stuff once in a while," he smiled.

"Err, thanks," Peter replied hastily.

"Alright then, your homework is a seven inch essay on Patroni, due in next week. Class dismissed everyone," announced Harry, and everyone soon left the room, except the marauders, who needed to talk to Harry.

"Potter, what's happening?" Asked Lily.

"Evans, we want to ask the professor a question about patroni," James answered in an isn't-it-obvious tone.

"What, all four of you have the same question? Come on Potter, tell me what is going on."

"Alright." Began James, looking both sides to make sure that no one else was there. "Have you noticed how mysterious Parker is? Especially after the incedent with Voldemort?"

"Lily's eyed widened with understanding. "Oh yes, I've been thinking about that too. I mean, he literally rose from the dead, right after being struck by the killing curse!"

"So, are you in or out?"

"Well," she hesitated. "I've got homework and --"

"Evans, you've got five seconds to decide. Five, f--"

"Alright, I'm in. Merlin Potter, you don't need to do a bloody count down," she said, pretending to be annoyed.

"She's getting better at this," James whispered to Sirius. "She would have taken all the five seconds back in first year."

Before Lily got the chance to call James a toerag, Harry had turned around.
"Is there anything I can do to help you five?" he smiled.

They five shot glances at each other, not wanting to be the first one to speak. Finally Lily stepped forward.

"Professor Parker, we have a few questioned that we need answered. No not about class, but about you, as a person."

Harry sighed. "I knew I would have to tell you all someday."

"Tell us what professor?" asked Peter timidly.

Harry resisted his strong urge to punch his face, and simply said, "Long story short guys, but my name is Harry Potter and I am from the future."

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