Shiro looked sceptical.

"And besides, Keith isn't planning on coming back any time soon so what's the big deal?"

Just as you finished speaking, a ringing noise filled the room and a screen appeared with Kolivan and Keith's faces projected on it.

"Keith." You mumbled.

He gave you a small smile but let Kolivan speak.

"Paladins, we're approaching your ship and would like permission to board."

Allura walked onto the bridge and stood on her platform. "Of course. I'll open the hatch to the launch bay immediately."

You stood frozen in your place. Keith was back. After several months of radio silence he was back and you didn't know how you felt about it.

"(Y/N)? Aren't you going down to the launch bay?" Allura asked, raising a brow. 

You nodded stiffly and glanced at Lance before you left the room.

The door to the launch bay was only down the hall, so you stood outside patiently until it slid open and three Marmora soldiers appeared.


The smallest blade ran towards you, their mask disappearing to reveal Keith's handsome features.

"Keith." You sighed, giving a small smile before his arms wrapped around you.

"I missed you." Keith spoke into the crook of your neck.

Your gut twisted. One part of you wanted to cling to Keith and never let him go, but the other part felt unsure and couldn't help but think of Lance.

Keith pulled back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." You nodded. "I'm just a little overwhelmed, that's all."

Keith gave a small smile before lacing your fingers together and leading you back to the bridge where the others were waiting.

Shiro was the first to greet Keith, giving him a large hug and gripping his shoulder once they pulled away.

"It's good to see you, Keith."

"Yeah." Keith nodded.

Next was Hunk and Pidge, giving the previous red and black paladin pats on the back.

Allura and Coran gave their greetings and that left only Lance.

Keith looked over to the brunet leaning against a chair near the edge of the room.

"Lance? Aren't you gonna say hello?" Allura asked.

He shrugged. "I don't see why I have to. It's not like he fell off the face of the earth or anything."

You stared at Lance for a moment, shocked at his sudden outburst, but then you turned your gaze to Keith and he didn't look pleased.

"Why do you have to do that?"

"Do what?"

Keith groaned. "This! Can't you just forget the whole rivals thing for a second and just say hi to me like everyone else?!"

Lance stood from his lounging position and took a step towards Keith.

"Why should I care what everyone else does? You're not even a paladin anymore, so why are you back anyways?"

"Lance!" You gasped.

"That's funny, coming from the guy who's just my replacement. What'll you do if I decide to come back? What lion will you fly now that Blue has Allura? Do you honestly think you'll keep Red?"


Lance grit his teeth. "At least I'm here to take care of (Y/N), unlike someone."

Before either of the boys could say any more, you jumped between them and gripped Lance's shoulders.

"Lance, back off."

"Whatever." He grumbled, stuffing his hands in his pockets and walking off the bridge.

You turned around and Keith stared at you, a blank expression on his face.

"Well," Allura began, interrupting the awkward silence. "You two seem to have some catching up to do, the rest of us will meet in the lounge."

One by one each paladin and soldier left the bridge and as soon as you and Keith were alone, silence filled the room again.

"So that's what you've been up to while I was gone." Keith said after awhile. "Getting buddy, buddy with Lance."

You flared at the boy in front of you. "Lance and I are just friends. He and I both were a mess when you left so we helped each other out."

"Really? He doesn't seem to think you're just friends."

Anger boiled in the pit of your stomach and on a whim you gripped Keith's face between your palms and clashed your lips together.

Keith was surprised and didn't respond at first, but then you felt his body relax  and he began to work his mouth against yours.

You pulled away after a short moment and looked Keith in the eye, admiring his violet orbs momentarily.

"Lance and I are just friends. He was there for me when you were gone but I love you. Not Lance. You! Got that?"

Keith nodded and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you close to him before connecting your lips once again. He slid his tongue along your bottom lip and you happily parted your lips and let him explore your mouth.

Soon, the two of you were left panting and you smiled up at the boy in your arms.

"You should visit more often."

"I will, now that I have to make sure McClain doesn't try to steal what's mine."

You smiled and nuzzled Keith's chest. Jealousy looked hot on him.

80's Keith picture because *sips tea*

But... hi *awkward wave* I is not dead.

GUYS! Why don't we do a Q&A? I saw another author doing it and I thought it would be fun! Especially since you guys are such a great bunch of people. Like seriously! I've seen friendships form in my comments, I've seen people support other writers and share their ideas and opinions and jokes and it makes me so unbelievably happy. Andddd y'all are amazingly patient with me which is amazing!

So! Comment questions if you have any and I'll answer them as I update

Request! Hope you like it person out there!

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