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Edit: there won't be a part two to this story. If that bugs you don't read but it's a white lion theory story and i thought it was pretty cool...


"Princess! We need a plan and we need it now!" Keith yelled.

Zarkon's attacks were slowly becoming stronger and more frequent. The paladins weren't able to keep up even with the use of Voltron, and considering the five of them were nearly wiped out today, they needed a new plan and fast.

"We need a way to defeat him and you're the only one that knows how!" Pidge cut in.

Coran stepped forward and pointed a finger at the green and red paladins. "You will not speak that way to the Princess!"

Both Keith and Pidge opened their mouthed to protest but Shiro gave them a sharp look, making them back down.

While all this was going on, Allura's head was spinning. How were they going to defeat Zarkon? Was Voltron really enough to defeat a ten thousand year old empire? She didn't know the answers, but as she thought about it there was one option that popped into her head.

She walked over to her control panel and started reading through all the information that had been hidden inside the castle over the years.

"Princess? What are you doing?" Shiro asked, making everyone's attention turn towards her.

"There was an old story my father used to tell me as a little girl back on Altea. It was about a giant weapon Voltron could use that no one could comprehend in the form of a white lion."

Lance raised a brow. "Are you saying there's another lion?"

"There's a possibility, yes. But there doesn't seem to be any information in the ships database. Our best bet would be to go back to planet Diabazaal, that's the only place I could think the white lion would be."

"So you're saying you want us to make a special trip to the ruins of the Galra's home planet in hope that some giant all powerful weapon will be there?" Keith asked. "Am I the only one who thinks that's ridiculous!?"

"If there is any chance that it's there, then yes."

Keith curled his fists and was about to start swinging when Shiro laid his hand on the smaller males shoulder.

"Keith, at first none of us were able to wrap our heads around the idea that a weapon like Voltron existed, but look at us now. If we hadn't followed you to the blue lion who knows what state the universe would be in, and who knows where we'll be if we don't at least try to find this weapon."

Keith relaxed. "You're right, Shiro."

"Woah, woah, wait! If there's going to be another lion, who's going to be its paladin?" Lance asked.

Allura stepped down from her control panel to face the others. "The tale my father told me was about a bond between being and lion that no one could explain. Unlike your lions that choose based off different characteristics and can choose a different pilot whenever it sees necessary, the white lion bonded for life. It would wait until its paladin passed before going in search of a new one."

"So, you're saying that if this lion exists, not only do we have to find it but also its paladin?" Pidge asked.

"That's indeed correct I'm afraid."

Shiro looked up at the hologram Allura had pulled up of the planet Diabazaal. "Well, let's set course for Diabazaal. If that's where you think the lion is, then that's where we're going."

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