☁️Harem of BNHA boys X Reader: Wish Fulfillment Part 3

Start from the beginning

You continued to nimbly dodge Todoroki's waves of ice as you ran. You imagine in another situation, he would have been able to immobilize you. His own allies stood in the way of him unleashing his full power, making it easier for you. There were several walls of ice now, hindering your view of your targets, but it also hindered their views of you. You used this to your advantage. You hid silently behind a jagged corner of ice, waiting for any one of them to appear. You smiled when that person was Shouto. He came right over the ridge, feet soaring in ice like a graceful surfer, comfortable on the roughest of waves. You seized the opportunity. He was taken by surprise and you received a burn to your arm, but ultimately you arose victorious. The struggle alerted the other two to your position.

"Todoroki!" Midoriya felt helpless for a moment. But he decided immediately after: a hero always wins, no matter how slim the odds. "I guess it's just you and me." He bluffed, readying his stance. But you remembered the little purple one, knowing that his final act of desperation must be to have him ambush you. Even so, Midoriya was clearly the greater challenge. Since the tournament, he had made amazing strides, and his speed was incredible for him just being a first year in training. You took off at maximum capacity, looking for his flag. The edge of it was hanging just out of his back pocket. He caught you out of the corner of his eye, but didn't have enough time to react.

"Game over, Midori-"


You had just ben struck in the face by something you couldn't see. In the process of your confusion, a weird sort of orb had been plastered to your back.

"What is-"

Just then, Midoriya shifted positions, leaping towards your other side. You were able to shock both the purple one and the invisible perpetrator before the green-eyed boy's attack.

"SMAAASH!" He repeated this time, and you were blown backwards by a gust of wind. You went to jump, but even while paralyzed, Shouto had somehow ambushed the ground with a thin layer of ice. While you were off-balance, Midoriya pounced, pinning you to the ground. Your back was glued down thanks to that weird goopy ball from before. Despite you electrifying your body, Midoriya wouldn't remove himself from you. He squeezed his eyes shut to endure the pain, pulling the tiny scarf from your pocket. Just then you released your quirk. "We did it!" Midoriya exclaimed, holding up the flag.

"Huzzah!" The engine-boy mumbled into the concrete.

"Pffft!" The floaty girl laughed at him.

"Way to go, Midoriya! You da man!"

"Wheeeyyy..." Kaminari was the only one still wandering the field absentmindedly.

"Uh... Midoriya..."

"Hm?" He glanced down at you.

"Where's your flag?"

He furrowed his brows and blinked. "Right he-" After reaching into his back pocket, he realized the absence of the article. "Eh?!" He unpinned your arms and glanced around the ground. With an apologetic smile, you pulled his flag out of your other pocket. "But when-"

"Right before the invisible one hit me."

"Oh..." His face sunk in disheartenment.

"But that was such wonderful teamwork!" You exclaimed brightly.

"You mean we didn't win?! You've gotta be kidding me!" The redhead's mouth fell open, revealing sharp pointed teeth. Suddenly, Midoriya's exhausted face morphed into a sparkling admiration.

"I cant believe you managed to beat us all! Even Todoroki and Kacchan! You're amazing, senpai!"

"Thanks. Same to you all as well." There was a moment of silence where he just smiled at you in awe. "Um... could you maybe help me up?" You asked, trying not to be rude. It wasn't until then that Midoriya noticed his body was pressing you into the ground.

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