62 - cold

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I submerge my body under the hot water beneath me. These past few days have been absolute hell. I've been sick since Saturday.

It began with a fever initially and then it went down thankfully. I haven't left my house in three days and I hate it. Usually i'd be happy to stay home if it was my choice. But since it isn't im not in the greatest of moods.

My playlist plays on shuffle and I lie back in my tub. I place this yellow bath bomb i stole from my mom and it bubbles releasing this soft green colour from within. A zesty smell is emitted and I happily breathe it in.

I swish my hand through the clouded water.

I close my eyes and let my mind wander. I haven't spoken to Jack since Thursday after practice. I haven't spoken to Bruce in a long time either. Wonder where he is?

Actually, no. I don't care where he is. Not anymore.

My phone vibrates against the tiled floor next to the tub and blindly i try to grab it.

I answer the phone call and put it on speaker.

"Hey red" i say.

"Harley where are you?" she asks me and I can tell she's outside by the sound of wind hitting the speakers.

"Home. I wasn't feeling well remember" my tired voice echoes throughout the small bathroom.

"Oh yeah has your fever gone down at least?" she asks and I hear her open a door.

"Yeah I just have a cold now I guess Temperature is back to normal" she hums in acknowledgment.

"Do you think you'll be able to make it to practice?" I shrug before realizing she can't see me.

"I hope so. I really don't want to miss the first game. I have a feeling Barbara will happily replace me" i sneer and she laughs.

"Yeah she's been hounding me this entire day asking where you were and if you died yet" i roll my eyes. She's something alright.

"I'm trying to recover as fast as possible Pammy" i tell her and she sighs.

"Alright well I might drop in later today so i'll let you know" we say our goodbyes as we hang up.

I take a deep breath and lower myself so only my eyes are above the water. If only I could melt away like my bath bomb.

"What were you thinking?" Pamela asks me and I shrug.

"There isn't a colour that everyone won't be having. My favourite colour is red but that's already the most generic colour to wear to prom" I sigh.

"Aside from black" she puts in and I nod. "Yeah of course aside from black" I crawl under my covers.

"Well i wanted a long fitted dress-" I interrupt her and bury my head into my pillow.

"Very original" i mumble and she groans.

"Let me tell you" I wave my hand for her to continue.

"As I was saying. Long and fitted. Most likely a train behind me. Sweetheart neckline. Hm..I think, that's basically it" she says and I give her a thumbs up.

"What colour?" i ask already knowing the answer. I look at Selina to see her concentrated on her phone.

"Green" we both sat in unison and I chuckle.

"Of course" i say. She looks through an online store trying to find a "sexy but affordable dress".

"What's so puzzling Kyle" she looks up. Her wide eyes look at me like a little puppy and she shakes her head.

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