33 - flee

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"Master Bruce" Alfred says and I turn around slightly to see him standing still in the doorway of the living room.

"I take it your little..rendezvous didn't go as planned" he nods towards me biting my nails and I shake my head.

I turn back around to face the burning wood in the fireplace.

"It did not go well at all Alfred" I mumble with a small shake of my head.

"Go head, say I told you so" I sigh and cross my arms.

"I told you so. I don't know why you obsess so much over that girl. Teenage girls are stubborn at this age. There's no way you'll get through to her" he scoffs and I roll my eyes.

"I need to get through to her someway" I tell him.

"Why? Why her?" He asks with intent.

"I don't know! I just know that I have to get through to her. I have this feeling in my gut that being with that guy is bad for her" I tell him with urgency and turn to him.

"He might not be the best option for her but there's no way you can get through to her. All girls her age are stubborn. Once they set their minds on something it's difficult to stray them otherwise" he reasons and I sit down on the regal looking love seat.

"Please tell me that look on your face means you've come to terms with the situation, your going to accept her decision and leave it at that?" He says hopefully and I look up at him.

"Come on Alfred. You've known me since I was born. You know I'm not one to give up too easily. For now I just need a little...vacation. Something to relax me as I try to think up a better plan" a tight lipped smile falls on my mouth and he grumbles.

"It's never been easy with you" he mumbles under his breath before breathing in deeply.

"Who will be taking care of the company?" He asks but with no hesitation I answer.

"Lucius" he nods and smiles.

"Where to Master Bruce?" I think about he many continents I have yet to travel to.

"Italy? I'm in the mood for pasta. It's also been a long time since I've had the pleasure to visit" i say definitely with a nod and stand up.

"As you wish. I'll get your things packed up and ready to go for tomorrow" he excuses himself and makes his way towards the doorway.

"Could I ask you something?" Alfred says peering from the edge of the door.

I nod and he continues.

"We still have a long way to go, don't we?" It takes a second for it to click into place and I realize what he's referring to.

"Oh yes, a very long and complicated way to go Alfred" I nod and turn back around to face the firewood burn.

Because this...this is only the beginning of what's to come. And I have a feeling that things will only go downhill from here.

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