Chapter Twenty Four.

Start from the beginning

''So now do you see?'' Ardyn's voice seemed as though it were remorseful that he had to show her this, but Kiara knew better. ''I wasn't lying. He truly is the enemy'' 

Kiara closed and dropped the file, it let out a resounding slap when it hit the table it was resting on. ''Where is he!?'' 

''You want him? Find him.'' 

Kiara punched the wall beside her in anger, he was trying to turn her against Prompto. In all her hate for Niflheim and everything related, Ardyn thought he could simply turn her away from Prompto by telling her how he came to be. 

He grew up in Lucis. She knew this. 

She did not hate him. 

Yes, it was a surprise, she thought about it in all her running through the halls of the keep, every time she killed an MT. all she could think about was Prompto, if he hadn't been in Lucis, he would have been one of the things she kills without remorse. 

It broke her heart. 

It was when she leaned against the wall, stopping her search for a moments rest that her summon returned. Giving a squeak to announce her return, the fox nudged Kiara's hand ''Did you find him?'' 

The fox opened her mouth in reply. 'I really love her

''I didn't know you could do that.'' She chuckled, her heart swelling at the sound of Prompto's voice. ''Did you show him what I said? Is that why he said that?'' The summon gave one simple nod before dissipating in her place. 

She made sure to observe each MT she encountered before she killed it. Anyone of them could be under an illusion from Ardyn, she didn't want to accidentally stab one of her friends. She saw hide nor hair of any of the boys, at least, until she found herself in a large room filled with screens and buttons. 

She was pushing every button, watching every screen for a glimpse of any one of her boys when she really only had to turn to the door. ''Kiara!'' Noctis exclaimed happily. 

''Noct! Gladio, Iggy. I'm so glad to see you! I've just been pushing buttons with no clue on what I'm doing.'' 

''There's the big red one...'' Noctis said, raising his eyebrows and pushing down on the big red button which opened a nearby door. 

''.....Shut up. It seemed far too obvious.'' 

Gladio gave a chuckle, slapping Kiara on the back in good faith, glad to see the short-tempered lady. ''Oh, I knew you'd go that way.'' Ardyn's voice said as they turned into a room, nothing seemingly in it. ''Not going to take a look in the cabinets, Kiara?'' 

The boys stopped, all sharing a glance. ''You go. I'll be fine,'' she said, curiosity getting the better of her. Wary to separate again but nevertheless did Noctis nod and turn to continue going. 

Kiara rummaged through the cabinets, file after file on everything they did, every clone they made. Even a file on one of the clones being stolen, data points and diary entries from Verstael himself, She wanted to read them all, if only there time. 

''Kiara!'' Noctis called, his voice distant. ''Guess what we found!'' 

Hope and excitement filled her whole being immediately as she ran from the room, dropping all folders in her hands and almost slamming against the wall as she tried to turn without stopping her sprint. 

They had gotten closer than how far she thought they were from Noctis yell, but at least she didn't need to go far when she saw the familiar head of blonde hair she loved so much. She wanted to cry, by god did she just want to drop to her knees and cry with relief that he was okay. 

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