Chapter 1

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"Blair! Come on, it'll be fun!" Tessa pleads. She's trying to convince me to go to some party tonight. "No, sorry. I'm not really in the mood." I say, I don't particularly like parties, they're ultimately much less fun when you don't drink. "Oh come on. Even Jax wants you to go don't you Jax?" Tessa looks expectantly at my boyfriend who simply shrugs. "Your choice, babe." He says, making eye contact with me for a split second before looking away.

I hear my mum shout my name through the house. "I've got to go sorry. I'll think about the party." I say to Tess and Jax, shoving on a denim jacket over my white vest. "Where is it you're going again?" Tessa asks, just as I'm about to open the door. I turn back round to face her. "The new neighbours have just moved in and invited mum and I to a house warming thing." I tell her and before she can judge or pretend to vomit I quickly say goodbye and slip out my room and down the stairs. My mum has baked them a cake, of course. She's just the kind of person to do that.

"You know they've moved here from London. Imagine that, coming from somewhere so huge to somewhere like Weymouth." My mum praises as she boxes up the cake and begins walking out the door. I nod my head as we both walk over to the house next door. I haven't met or even seen anyone who lives here but my mum says there's a teenager so I might make friends?

We knock on the door and are greeted by a friendly looking woman who ushers us inside. My mum is quickly swept off to chat with all the other ladies that have shown up here. I suddenly feel really uncomfortable as I look around at all the other adults that I don't know, feeling awkward. I decide to wander around after about five to ten minutes to see if I can find food, or something to do besides just standing here.

As I walk through their living room my eyes land on a boy, around my age if not a few years older because he's really tall. He's standing alone and looks almost as moody and bored as I feel. Seen as how I have nothing better to do I take a deep breath and walk over. I smile at him as he makes eye contact with me. "Hey. I'm Blair." I introduce myself and he looks at me before rolling his eyes, mumbling a "Hi." I take a deep breath, "So do you live here?" I ask, trying to make conversation even though he's clearly not in the mood.

"Yep. Just moved, clearly." He gives me an annoyed look as he speaks. I give up, "Right...well I guess I'll just leave you alone then to do...whatever it was you were doing before I...interrupted." I say, turning on my heel. Anything, even standing alone for hours, is probably better than having an extremely awkward and mainly one sided conversation with my not so friendly new neighbour. I go back to my search for food. I find the food table shortly after and pile some things onto a paper plate before walking over to their stairs and sitting down.

Not long after I finish the food I collected my mum comes over all smiles. I'm glad one of us enjoyed ourselves. "You ready to go?" She asks me, cheerfully. Yes yes yes. Thank god. I nod breezily as though I don't mind before walking out with her. "So how was it? Are they nice?" I ask, intrigued to know if the guy's parents are as nice as him. "Yeh. Single mum, Melissa. She's really nice and has great friends." She says, smiling as she puts the key in the lock of our front door, turning it. "Huh, okay." I respond as I walk into the house. He's probably a decent guy but just doesn't want to be dumped down here with a bunch of people he doesn't know. I don't blame him, I wouldn't want to be either. What am I saying, I can't pretend to know anything about him when I don't even know him. I'm sure I'm bound to find out soon enough anyway.

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