Kicking Ass And Not Taking Names

Start from the beginning

Woah, too close. Well, that must be David. David the asshole.

Javi seemed to be winning the fight and I heard someone whisper my name. I glanced around and seen Kate standing in one of the cells. I ran over to her and she pointed to the left where a set of keys were hanging. I opened her cell and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Kate, where's everyone else?"

"There in other cells below us. Give me the keys and I'll go get them. You just help Javi and make sure he doesn't get killed."

I nodded and gave Kate my gun before going back to Javi and David. They were shouting obscenities at one another and both of them looked pretty beaten up. Javi was the oblivious winner as David fell onto his back and spit blood up. He gave Javi a bloody smile and started laughing.

"Oh, little brother. You actually kicked my ass for the first time. I bet Pop is smiling down on you right now and Maw is telling him we should get along."

Javi seemed conflicted with his brothers words but, sat down next to him anyways.

"Yeah, then they kick both of our asses for fighting each other."

They sat there quietly for a moment and I seen David start wiping his face, as if he was crying. Javi was shocked at the sight and leaned down closer to see when David jerked up, knife in hand and ready to slice Javi's throat. I threw my knife at David and it sunk into his shoulder. Javi jumped up and away from David before thanking me. Kate came back up with the others and we greeted them. We all began to walk away as David started speaking once more.

"Aren't you that Clementine girl? Boy, Gabe has been talking about you nonstop. Almost as much as that Lee guy."

I immediately stopped in my tracks and bolted back to David, taking the knife from shoulder and holding it against his neck.

"You're a fucking liar. You don't have them nor have you talked to them because they're dead."

David laughed out loud at my statement and spit out a wad of blood.

"You're as stupid as you look, girl. It's a shame because when Gabe falls in love, there's no going back. It's set in stone. Too bad you don't know where I have him."

Javi placed a hand on my arm as I reached back to slap David. Javi shook his head and nodded for me to join them. I want to put the blade of my knife through David but, I don't. I don't because that's not what Gabe would've wanted me to do. We all walk out and we're almost out of the prison when Javi falls to the ground in pain. A throwing blade is lodged into his back and I whirl around to see David smiling at us. A set of keys are dangling in his hand and I run towards him but, I get within 10 feet when an explosion goes off in front on him.


His body had exploded into thousands of pieces and the keys were gone. I turn around and see Javi pulling out the knife in his shoulder and holding a pin from the grenade. I run back to Javi and get in his face.

"Why did you do that?! He knew where they were and he had the keys! What the fuck, Javi!"

Javi didn't acknowledge me and just turned back to Kate and the others before walking away.

"He was a liar, Clem. Once a liar, always a liar. I'm sorry but, Gabe and Lee are gone. And you need to move on like we are."

I looked for help from the others but, they all turned around and continued walking to the RV. Kenny and Lilly gave me a sympathetic look but, they also walked away from me. Tears of frustration welled up in my eyes and I wiped them away and shouted at them.

"So, that's it?! We just forget about them and leave them wherever they are?! I thought they were your guys' family! Some fucking family you people are!"

When I mentioned the family thing, Javi and Kate both whipped around to face me. Javi was the one who got closest to me and pointed his finger accusingly at me.

"At least we loved him and didn't string him along! You played with his heart like it was a fucking toy! And after all that he still told me to watch over you if anything happened to him! That's how much he loved you and you didn't even return it!"

My head started shaking in denial and trying to get away from Javi but, he just kept advancing on me.

"My little nephew was infatuated with you and I had to listen to him cry to me about how horrible he felt for imprinting on you because he knew you could never love him. And now you want to like him because he's gone, well that shit isn't going to work because he's dead!"

My mind couldn't keep up with the information Javi was telling me and I fell to the ground as a sharp pain struck me in my side. The others rushed to me and I faintly hear them say that I was shot and needed to operate and get the bullet out. My consciousness was drifting in and out and that's when I realized something.

I did like Gabe. Like, a whole fucking lot.

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