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Arya's POV

After Carissa and Sarina left, I checked his pulse. I placed my hand in the middle of his palm.

"Erik," I said.

He didn't show a response.

"Erik, baby, I need you to wake up," I said.

His hand twitched and I removed mine. John walked into the room.

"How's it going?" he asked.

I didn't answer him. I put my hand back on his palm.

"Arya?" John said.

I shushed him and I looked at his feet. I uncovered his feet and looked at John.

"Babe? What's happening?" he asked.

I looked at Erik's feet again. "Erik, if you can hear me, move your right foot."

Nothing happened. A second later, he moved his right foot.

"Yes!" I said.

I grabbed his forearms.

"Erik! Wake up!" I said.

I started shaking him slightly.

"Arya, don't hurt him," he said.

"I'm not. I'm just... giving him a boost," I said.

I shook him harder. John pulled me off of him.

"Arya! You're going to hurt him!" he yelled.

"No, I'm-"

Erik sat up and yelled. We didn't move. He felt himself and looked around the room. His hair turned back to pink and his black eyes turned crystal blue. His color in his face was back completely. We made eye contact.

"Mom? Dad?" he said.

"Erik?" we said.

I walked over and sat next to him. He was having an anxiety attack.

"Erik, I need you to calm down," I said.

He looked at the other side of the bed.

"Where is she? Where's Sarina?" he asked.

"I need you to calm down," I said calmly.

"Mom, where is she!?" he yelled.

"Erik, relax! She's at a football game," John said.

"What day is it?" Erik asked.

"It's September 8th," John said.

"What year?" Erik asked.

"The same one," I said. "Why do you-"

"I've been in a coma for a month?" Erik asked.


"It felt like a year," he whispered.


He pushed the covers aside and stood up. He sped into the bathroom.

"Erik! What are you doing!?" John asked.

He walked out fully dressed.

"Who are they going against?" he asked.

I raised an eyebrow.

"The football team. Who are they going against?" he said.

"They're against Lilesia high," I said.

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