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Erik's POV

I watched her drive away. Gods, I am such an idiot. I'm glad you know. I sighed and walked up to the house. How did she find out? What all does she know? Who else do you think would have told her? I looked at the ground. Travis. I sped off to the house and looked for Travis. I couldn't find him anywhere. I found Nathan drinking in the kitchen with Aaron and Edwin. When Nathan saw me, he smirked.

"Erik! Hey, man! Have you seen your girl? She seems pretty pissed."

I punched him hard in the face.

"What happened!?" I asked.

He fell to the ground and covered his eye. "What do you mean!?"

I kicked him in the stomach. "Don't play dumb! What did you say to Sarina!?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't say anything to her!" he croaked.

"Where is Travis?!" I yelled.

"I don't know! Sarina came down but Travis didn't!" Nathan said.

I glared. "What?"

"He hasn't shown his face," he responded.

I turned around and walked out of the kitchen. I bumped into Julianna.

"Erik. Where's Sarina?"she asked.

I frowned and looked away. She furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"What happened? Where is Sarina?" she said.

"I don't know," I said. "She left with Jonathan."

She shook her head and walked away. I walked up the stairs and made my way toward a room. I opened the door and blinked. Who the hell is that!?

"Erik! Wait up!"

Julianna walked into the room. When she saw the burned body, her hands flew to her mouth and she yelped. I closed the door and cursed.

"What was that!?" she yelled.

"Who," I corrected. "That was Travis."

She stared at me. I turned around and made my way out of the house. Julianna caught up to me.

"You're going to go find Sarina, right?" she said.

I nodded my head.

"Then, I'm coming with you," she said.

I didn't move. I knew she wasn't going to change her mind so I just walked to my car. We got into the car and drove away from the house.

"So where do you think she'd be?" I asked.

"We'll check Jonathan's house first," she said.

Sarina's POV

I took my boots off and rolled up my jeans. I walked into the ocean and smiled.

"Thanks for bringing me here," I said.

Jonathan walked up to me and intertwined his hand in mine.

"No problem. We used to come here all the time. It's been a while since we've been here," he said.

I nodded and leaned on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and felt the ocean breeze blow against my face and the cold water surround my feet.

"So are you going to tell me what happened or do you want to wait?" he asked.

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