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Jordan, Erik, and I walked to speed class. We took our seats and waited for the bell. The bell rang and Mr. Speed walked in.

"Good morning, class," he said.


We were interrupted by an alarm.

"Attention, everyone! We are now evacuating the school! You are to go home! The buses are outside. All after school activities will still be held. Please stay safe!" someone said over the intercom.

I looked over at Erik. Students stood up and started to leave. Mr. Speed packed up his stuff and left with them. I stood up and grabbed my stuff. We walked to my locker. Erik never brought anything to school so he had nothing in his arms. Once I closed my locker and swung my bag on my back, Erik grabbed my arm and sped off to his car. We got inside and he drove off.

"Why'd you want to leave so quickly?" I asked.

He intertwined our hands together.

"Because I hate school," he said.

I laughed. "Okay."

He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb and I smiled. He brought our hands up to his lips and he placed a small kiss on my hand. My smile grew larger and brighter as I looked at him. He winked at me and I shook my head. My phone vibrated and I looked at the notification.

"Can Julianna come over?" I asked.

Erik sighed. "Only if she brings Jordan and bathing suits," he said.

"Bathing suits?"

Apparently, Erik has an indoor pool in his house. He also has a huge gaming room and a mini indoor trampoline park. Julianna and I sat on the side of the pool as we watched Erik and Jordan wrestle in the pool. It goes from 5 ft to 12 ft. She made me tell her everything that had happened the other day. I told her and she looked surprised.

"You guys had sex!?" she yelled.

"Julianna!" I yelled and covered her mouth.

Erik and Jordan stopped wrestling and looked over at us. Julianna licked my hand and I removed it.

"Who had sex?" Jordan asked.


"Don't worry about it," I said cutting her off.

I looked at Erik and he smirked. I smiled a little and looked away from him. Jordan looked at me and then Erik.

"Y'all had sex?" he asked pointing at us.

"Yep!" Julianna yelled before I could answer.

I looked over and glared at her. She laughed and I shoved her in the pool. She stayed under water for a while. Jordan rushed over and pulled her to the surface. He put her on the side of the pool. She started coughing, trying to breathe. I smiled.

"Why would you do that!? You know I can't swim!" she said.

She glared at me. I looked at her with a straight face and shoved her back in. Jordan grabbed her again and put her back on the edge of the pool. She coughed again and spit the water out of her mouth.

"That's why I pushed you because I knew you couldn't swim," I said and crossed my arms amused with myself.

Erik started laughing and Jordan's face looked like he was trying not to laugh. Julianna pouted and crossed her arms. I looked at the water. Every time I'm in water, I always feel powerful and calm. I heard Jordan, Erik, and Julianna talking but I wasn't listening. I put my hand in the water and twirled my hand in a circle. I lifted my hand and a line of water shot through the air. I did the same with my other hand. I made a couple of water balls and juggled them around in circles. I dropped all the water and dove into the pool. I swam to the bottom of the pool and sat in Indian style. I opened my eyes and saw Jordan and Erik wrestling above me. I saw Julianna's feet kicking in the water. It was peaceful and beautiful down here. I looked around at all the bubbles Jordan and Erik were creating. I lifted my hand and twirled my finger in a circle. Every second I spun it around faster and faster creating a strong maelstrom. I put more force into it and it lifted to the surface. I stopped spinning mt finger and watched as the whirlpool lifted up towards the boys. The maelstrom reached the surface. They struggled against the pull, but the force was too strong and pulled them underwater. I waved my hand and the whirlpool vanished. The boys looked down at me and I smiled. I pushed off of my feet and twirled up to the surface. Once I resurface, I heard Julianna laughing.

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