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"Adrian, I have a question," I said.

She nodded with food in her mouth. I shook my head and smiled.

"Are you good or evil?" I asked. "Please, don't lie to me."

She stared at me. She swallowed her food and looked down at her hands.

"I.. I'm good," she said.

I smiled.

"I've always been good. My dad raised me and I faked being evil. I don't want to destroy the world. I don't want to steal things, kill people, blow up important monuments. Any of that. I want to help the world. I want to be a superhero. Not a super villain," Adrian said sighing. "I haven't completely admitted that to myself until your mom, or our mom, told me. She said she could see it in my eyes."

"I could too," I said.

She frowned. "You could?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Cheer isn't bad, by the way. I just said that to make it seem like I'm evil. I'm a cheerleader myself," she said sighing.

"Really? What spot do you want?"

"I can be a flyer or a base but I love tumbling. I can do anything," she said.

"That's great! Our team could really use another tumbler," I said. "Who taught you how to tumble?"

"I did."


"I'm confused," Erik said.

We started laughing.

"It's cheer stuff," we said.

Erik grabbed my hand and leaned on my shoulder.

"Do you know Tyler?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah, I do. Why?" I asked.

"We're dating now," she said smiling.

"Aw! That's great," I said. "Wait. What happened to Juan?"

"He just wanted to have sex. I wouldn't let him though," she said looking down.

"That's good."

She nodded her head and cleaned off the table. The door opened and I looked over at it. I frowned as I looked upon the girl. She looked extremely familiar, though I have never met her. I nudged Erik.

"Hm?" he said looking up at me.

I pointed towards the girl. He looked in the direction I was pointing towards and he sat up. His face turned pale and his mouth was open. He tried to say something.

"Carissa," he yelled.

The girl turned towards the sound of her name. When she saw Erik, she had a bright smile on her face. I immediately knew that that was his little sister. They had the exact same smile. I got up and let Erik out. They slowly walked up to each other. Erik lifted his hand and touched her cheek. He hugged her and I smiled. Adrian looked over I lat me.

"Who's that?" Adrian asked.

"That's his little sister, Carissa," I said looked at them.

I read his mind.

'She looks so beautiful and grown up,' Derek observed.

'I know!'

'Gods, I wish I could hold her again,' Derek sighed.

'You can and you will. Soon,' he told him.

'Lies,' Derek denied.

'You will, Derek. Give it some time,' Erik assured.

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