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We went to the city park and walked on the path in silence.

"Are you okay? Did you and Tyler break up did you?" I asked breaking the silence.

"No. No, we didn't but we uh did something and something else happened," she responded.

oh, gods. please don't let this be what I think this is about.

"Sarina, I'm pregnant," she said.

I stopped and looked over at her. She was on the verge of tears. I held out my arms and she hugged me, crying.

"Hey, it will be alright," I assured her, rubbing her back. "Have you told mom or Tyler?"

"I told Tyler. I haven't told mom yet," she said.

"How did Tyler react?"

"He was mad at first, but then he said we'd get through it together. He said he always wanted a family with me anyway," she said.

"What? That's amazing, Adri," I said.

She sniffed and stood up nodding.

"Yeah. I know, but the thing is... I don't want to be a teenage mom," she said.

"Well. Why not?" I asked.

"I mean there's nothing really wrong with being a teenage mom but with this battle coming up," she paused. "I don't know if I'll live long enough to even have the baby."

She started crying harder.

"Hey, hey, hey. No. Look at me," I said.

She looked up at me with her eyes full of sorrow.

"You will survive this battle, Adrian. I know you will because you have grown stronger over these past months. I know in your destiny it's not known if you survive it, but I know you will, okay?" I said.

"Even if I do survive, there's an even greater chance I won't survive labor! Yeah, the baby will probably be strong but having a baby this young can kill me."

"I know. I know it's risky," I said. "But it'll be okay because you have very strong genes."

She nodded her head. I wiped her tears and hugged her.

"First, we get the groceries, and then, we go home and tell mom. Together, alright?"

She nodded her head. I grabbed her hand and we walked back to the car.

I opened the door with my telekinesis and sighed.

"Hey! Come get the groceries!" I yelled.

Adrian and I walked into the kitchen and put the bags on the floor. Arya walked in and gasped.

"What did you do? Get two of everything?" she said.

I nodded my head. "Yes. In case you haven't noticed, you have four athletes in your house. You also have two grandsons with appetites of grown men."

"True," she said.

Erik, John, and my mom walked in with groceries. Adrian shot me a worried look.

"Hey, mom?"

"Yes, baby girl?" she responded.

"Adrian and I need to talk to you," I said.

"Alright. When?" she said.

"I'd prefer now," I said.

"Okay. Are you okay with putting these away by yourselves?" she said.

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