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I walked in and scanned the room. I already know this is gonna be my least favorite class. I recognized most of the students here. There were 2 other guys there too, but I didn't recognize them. I remember seeing one of them at the party a couple of weeks ago.

"Alright. Please, take your seats, speedsters," the teacher said.

I sat down by myself in the back. Aluna came and sat down next to me.

"I'm Mr. Allen. I'll be teaching you how to become faster, fight logically with speed, and gaining flexibility with your speed," he said.

"When can we run?" Ramon asked.

Everyone laughed except Mr. Speed, Aluna, and me.

"If you want to run right now, race me," Mr. Allen insisted.

"Alright, when and where?" He asked sitting up in his seat.

"Right now. Class, meet me by the football field," he responded and sped off.

We all sped after him, a few seconds later.

"We will see which one of us can run around this entire field 20 times, in at least 20 seconds," Mr. Speed told us.

Ramon looked sick and filled with regret.

"You scared?" Mr. Allen teased him.

"Nope," he said shrugging his shoulders.

"3... 2... 1... Go!" The class yelled.

As soon as Mr. Allen left, he was back in 3 seconds. The timer on the scoreboard was down to 5 seconds.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... 0!" We yelled.

Ramon came back as soon as we said 0.

"You're slow man," I said laughing.

The rest of the class laughed except Ramon. He glared at me and I grinned.

"But he can be faster, and he will. That's what this class is about: being the fastest thing in the world," Mr. Allen said. "Go back to class."

I sped back to the classroom with Mr. Allen and waited for everyone.

"Dude, I can run faster than anyone in this class, except maybe Mr. Allen," Bryan said walking in the room, talking to Ramon.

"Not me," I said looking him in the eyes.

"Fine. You. Me. Race. After school," he said, smiling.

"You're on," I said.

"So we have our first after school race, huh?" Mr. Allen asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"How about we settle this right now?" Mr. Allen insisted. "Class, we are going to have our very first speed race. Between a couple."

"Actually, we broke up," we said at the same time.

Bryan's face turned red. I balled up his fist for a second and uncurled them a second later.

"Oh, well before you race after school, come and get me," he said. "Now, class, we have to introduce ourselves."

The class groaned.

"Yea, I know. This is the boring part. State your name and your power or powers," he said sitting down at his desk and playing with his tie.

"My name is Sarina Robbins. My powers are super speed, telekinesis, telepathy, super intelligence, all elemental control, air manipulation, and super strength," I said.

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