Chapter 15

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The next day I woke up because I fell out of bed. "Ughhhhhhh," why did I have to fall out of bed this early. I got up and walked down stairs. There was something unusual about today. When I got down the stairs I looked around there was food on the table but, no people. I kept looking, our costumes were sitting on a chair with a piece of paper on it.

Dear Carly and Marline,
Your grandpa and I are going out of town. You have the ballet tonight, and we have friends that will be there to make sure you go.

Of course they leave us again. Their probably going to drink and dance, while we're stuck here doing ballet. But, the good thing is that if their gone we can go to the circus easily. I went up stairs to wake Marline up. "Marline wake up," I told her

"Why Carly we don't have to wake up this early," she said to me in reply.

"Grandma and Grandpa aka Mom and Dad are going out to a town tonight, and that means we can go and practice for the circus." She jumped out of bed.

"Why are you just standing there Carly, come on." We went out the house and went to the circus trying  not to get caught. Even know our parents had people watching us they probably weren't awake yet. Which was good. I had all my stuff on because it was light outside, and I don't want to get rashes before we have to perform. When we got to the circus, we saw Anne and Phillip kissing well, more like making out. They were the only other people there.

We walked in and I said, " Get a room." They jumped away from each other and turned to Marline and me.

"Oh your here," Phillip said.

"Um... let's go practice for the show tonight," Anne suggested. We agreed. Phillip went to get the others, while Marline, Anne, and I started working on trapeze stuff. We were working on the ropes and a little on the hoop. Later everyone walked in, we quickly got to practicing the dances and practicing jumping off the trapeze bar and getting caught. Then, it was time for the ballet.

"We have to go, we have to do a ballet performance tonight," I said.

"Can you all come to it," Marline asked everyone.

I added, "We'll be back for the show."

They all thought about it for a second or two. "Why not," Phillip said. Both Marline and I had a huge smile on our faces, then we ran back home to get our costumes on.

Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've had a lot going on with school and dance. Plus I've been sick. But here's another chapter.

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