Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning. Marline wasn't awake yet ,so I didn't really know what to do. I sat on my bed trying to decide what to do. "I could get my stuff on and go outside, or I could go back to sleep." I decide to go outside. I put on my clothes and got my umbrella.I told my "Grandparents" I was going out and went out the door. I walked through the town. I saw Ms.Lettie Lutz (aka The Bearded Lady) and the other people from the circus walking around. They were all talking and laughing. Anne was with them but Phillip was not. But, Anne's brother was walking with all of them. I was looking at them. Next thing I know these boys came over and pushed me. Maxwel, Charles, Isaac, Benjamin, and their leader Edward were the boys.

"Hey look it's Rash," Benjamin said.

"Rash where's your sister Colors?" Maxwel said. I didn't say anything. I saw Isaac staring at me. But, I still didn't say anything. They started pushing me around. Saying stuff like, "Stupid," "How can anyone love you," and other things. And all I did was  not speak.

"Hey you all need to stop," a voice came from behind me, Ms.Lettie Lutz. The boys pushed me to the ground.

"Hey look Rash, it's freaks like you," Charles said. Then they all ran away. I got up and thanked her and them ran to my house. I didn't want to be outside. Well, at least not now. I got back home and Marline was awake I told her what happened. We talked about how mean people can be. That's one thing me and her know about. But, we got dressed and went to bed. We didn't have anything to do so, we just decided to go to bed.

            Hey Lilianna_Eliza here, sorry that this chapter is so short. I want to get one out. 8P

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