Chapter 13

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It was time for the circus. Everyone was ready. I peaked out the curtain. There were a lot of people. The Barnum's were there also. Phillip led us out. Marline and I stayed back. They started singing and dancing. After the song was over we saw Anne looking around. She looked towards us. She started walking over to us fast, she looked a little mad. We shut the curtain and tried to run away. It didn't work though. She grabbed our arms. "Why weren't y'all out there?" She asked kinda sassy.

"We were nervous," I told her.

"Well don't be," She said, "you'll do great."

Marline asked her, "Do we have too?"

"Yes, you don't have to do that much. I know you can do it." Anne put each hand on one of our shoulders. We nodded yes. She led us out the curtain. We went to our post and got ready. It was time for us to go. Marline was on the other side. I grabbed the bar and jumped. I started swinging. At the same time we let go of the bar. People caught us. It was so fun. They put us down and we did cartwheels off, till we were near the curtain. We walked through and went outside.

"That was so cool," Marline said in awe.

"That was amazing," Anne said hugging us. She let go and Marline and I hugged each other and started jumping up and down.

"We did it, we really did it." I was so happy. We were able to do that. No one laughed or anything. All they did was clap. They excepted us. Well, they couldn't really see our faces.... but still. We go and change back. To our normal clothes. I loved being in the circus. Everyone excepted you there. It felt good not to get picked on for once. I know Marline was happy too.

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