Chapter 12

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Anne woke everyone up. She was so excited to show us trapeze. We went to the circus and got started. She gave us a outfit. First Anne showed us what to do. She showed us how to swing and then fall down to the ground and land. First Marline went, Phillip and WD were there in case we fell. She went up, put her hands on the swing, and jumped. She did fall but they were there to catch her. I was a little scared. Scratch that I wasn't a little scared I was terrified. I went up. When I got up there, I looked down at Anne and Marline. They gave me a thumbs up. I went to the swing thing. I took a deep breath, put my hands on it, and jumped. It felt like flying through the air. I loved it. It came to the part where fall down and land. I let go of the bar and WD and Phillip caught me. I was so amazed. They put me down and I ran up to Anne. "That was amazing," I said kinda loud. Everyone looked at me. "Oops," I said. Everyone just laughed.

"Okay, lets do some more." We did a lot more stuff. Anne wanted us to be in the circus. We decided to do it. We got to pick out our outfits. I got a dark green leotard. It was kinda like Anne's but dark green. I also got these things to go on my feet and a thing that goes on my right arm, right above my elbow. They were like a silver color. Marline got basically the same things as me, but she got dark blue. Also, her thing that goes on her arm went on her left arm.

"Wait, Anne want someone see us and tell our "grandparents"?" Marline asked her.

"That's why I have these," when she said these she pulled out two mask. They were like butterflies. One green and one blue. They had fake jewels all over them. They were beautiful.

"Their... beautiful," I said. She gave them too us and smiled.

"Now go get ready, we have a show soon." We went and got ready.

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