Chapter 2

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We woke up the next morning. It was really early I couldn't go outside. So, we decided to do some chores. We cleaned up our very messy room. The the bathroom. Next the kitchen. Then a man came with a lot of fabric and other supplies. We sat their watching him do his work. Later he asked me and Marline to get him the black fabric. We went over to the table. "I think that's the right one," I told her.

"No, it's that one." She said. We finally decided on one. We took it over to him.

"That's not the black one," he said kinda angrily." We walked back over and picked another one. "THAT IS NOT THE BLACK ARE BOTH OF YOU STUPID!" He yelled. He slapped both of us. We ran up to our room crying. You would think we would be use to this kind of stuff. But, for us you never get us to it. It soon became night. It was time for the ballet. We got ready and went to the place. We got in their and went back stage.

"Hey look it's Rash and Colors," one of the girls said. We both looked down.

"Hey, don't be like that. Their different and that's what makes them special." Caroline Barnum said. She's P.T Barnum's daughter. She was nice to us. But we went on stage I saw Phillip and Anne. They were sitting together. Their hands together. I also saw my "Grandparents". They were sitting it the high seats. They don't really like Phillip and Anne together. But, the ballet ended. We went back home. Once the coast was clear, we went out. We ran to the circus. We got there and went in. We sat in the front where we normally sit. It was time for Anne and the other trapeze people to do their tricks. Me and Marline watched them. We wanted to be like them. Suddenly, Anne looked at me and Marline. She fell from her trick. Phillip went over to her. And helped her. While me and Marline snuck out. We got home and went back to sleep. I don't know about her but, I felt like it was our fault Anne fell. Probably was. Everyone says everything is our fault anyway.

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