Chapter 10

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When I woke up, I also woke Marline up. "cccccccaaaaaaarrrrrllllllyyyyyy, why do you have to wake me up," she asked me.

"Because, no get up," I responded. We both got up and changed. After we were done changing we went to the town. We walked around for a bit. When we got near the circus we saw Anne.

"Hi, Anne," Marline called out. We both ran up to her.

"Hey girls," She said. "Can, y'all hold on I have to talk to Phillip about something really quick."

"Sure," I told her. She walked away. We walked around a little more. We ran in to Benjamin, Charles, Edward, Isaac, and Maxwel. Isaac and Maxwel looked like there was something wrong.

"Move our of the way losers," Charles said.

"Who's going to make us," I told them. Oh no what did I just say!!!

Edward answered, "I am." He punched me down. Marline went to punch Benjamin. But, he blocked and then hit her. They kept punching and kicking us.

"You should listen to your grandparents and go to your room, cause that's the only place you belong." Benjamin said. They soon left. This time Isaac and Maxwel followed them. We sat there, hurting. Then Maxwel and Isaac came running up to us.

"Why are y'all back," Marline asked them.

"We told Edward to stop or we were leaving, and so we left," Maxwel told her. They were helping us up when Anne came running out.

"What happened?!? Are y'all okay?!?" She asked in a hurry.

"Benjamin, Edward, and Charles beat us up." I told her. She got so mad.

"I swear..." she started to say.

A voice called out and interrupted her, "Anne, no," it was Phillip, "Your not going to stoop down to their level." He told her. She rolled her eyes.

"PHILLIP, COME HERE," Lettie called out. He ran over to see what she needed.

"Hey I was thinking, would both of you like to join the circus?" She asked us.

"Sure..., but what would we do," Marline said.

"Y'all can pick, we can go over all the choices, and see which on you like the most. You can try all of them," she told us.

"Okay," I responded. After that me and Marline went home. When we got there we talked about it. We were trying out the things tomorrow. It's going to be so fun.

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