Chapter 11

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I fell out of bed. I got up and fixed my bed. After that I had to wake Marline up. Our "grandparents" invited their friends over for a big party. In that party, Marline and I can't not be their. Thank god. The party started in a hour. We got up and went to the circus. When we got there we met up with Anne.

"Hey guys," she greeted us. "The first thing your going to try is what Phillip does, ringmaster."

"Oooookkkkay," I said. We met with Phillip. He showed us what he does. We tried.... and failed. We went on to the fire people. We tried that. We got the fire sticks in our hands. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH." I screamed. I do not like fire.

"Okay... lets take that away from both of you." Anne said. The people took the fire away from us. We went on trying to find something. We didn't do trapeze. "I'm lost, I don't know what you could do. Let's do this, y'all will watch the circus and I'll see which one you stare at the most." She told us. The circus started soon. Anne went and got ready. When it came to the trapeze part me and Marline couldn't help but stare. That was our favorite part. Anne saw us, she almost fell. She didn't though. After it ended. Anne walked up to us, "Why couldn't I see, the one thing we didn't try is the thing you like the most." She told us, "Tomorrow come back here and we can try trapeze."

Phillip came up to us and said, "Come on."

"Are we going to your house," Marline asked him.

"Yep," he replied. We walked out and went to his house. Anne was there too. We soon got ready for bed and laid down.

"Good night Marline," I said.

"Good night Anne," she said.

"Good night Phillip," Anne said.

"Good night everyone," he said. We all went to sleep. Later that night I suddenly woke up. I don't know why, but I did. I looked around. There was nothing there. I went back to sleep. After thinking about tomorrow.

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