Chapter 6

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When I woke up I laid there. I was thinking of what happened yesterday. It was my fault. At least that's what I thought. Marline was sick so I went to town alone.... again. I walked through the town. Something was different. WD was sad so was Lettie Lutz. It was my fault. I saw Anne she was sitting on the ground and she was really mad. Everything was different. But, not Edward, Benjamin, Charles, and Maxwel. Isaac was being mean because he had to.

"Hey it's Rash," Charles said. I didn't care today. I keep walking. After they left Isaac came up to me.

"Carly, what's the matter?" He asked me. Anne was looking up at us.

"I don't want to talk about it." I told him. I really didn't.

"You know you can talk to me about anything."

"I know, it's just.... ugh nothing."

"It's okay, I know your life isn't that good so I'm not going to make you tell me."

"Thanks Isaac." He left and I went to the forest. I laid down. Just think about what I'm going to do. I really don't know. Everything is happening at once. Please someone tell me what to do. I decided to stay for a while. I was thinking a lot. I started to explore.

Marline's P.O.V

Carly left this morning to go to town. She still wasn't back. I was getting worried. She is usually back. I decided to go see if she was still in town or where she went. I looked everywhere and I could find her. I was really worried. I went to see if I missed her at the house. She wasn't there. I ran to the circus. Phillip was there he was really sad. Anne was talking to WD she looked mad too.

"PHILLIP," everyone looked at me. I ran up to him. "I can't find Carly, she went to town and then never came back."

"Ummm. Okay that's bad," he seemed really worried too. His mood changed like that.

"Wait, let me go see if she's in the forest at our spot." I ran to the forest she wasn't there. I keep walking and suddenly fell. I was in a river I could swim hat good. I started yelling for help. Next thing I know I hear my name.

"Marline?!?" It was Carly. She came and and got me up. We smelled something burning...


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