Back above the battlefield the purple haired trainer had a smirk across his face, "finally, a trainer worth my time in this region." He then started back on the trail to make his way to the Pokemon center entrance.

Once inside Serena set Ash down on a couch as she took his pokeballs, returned Greninja, and handed them to Max bring to Nurse Joy to have them checked out. "Here, let me help you," said Serena as she took out her water bottle and gave Ash some water. Bonnie giggled a little at this. "What's so funny," Ash asked. "Nothing, it just you using Serena's water bottle is like indirect kissing," Bonnie replied. Serena smiled at her childish answer, however that disappeared when Ash spoke. "Really, well I'm not a fan of the whole indirect kiss thing." "And why is that," Serena asked in an annoyed tone. Ash put one of his hands behind Serena's head and brought her on closer. "Simple, I much more prefer direct kisses," Ash then pulled Serena into a lip lock, that she happily accepted as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Geez, are they always like this," asked Max as he returned. "Not enough," Bonnie replied with hearts in her eyes as she watched them.

Clemont and Korrina decided to just leave them to their make out for a little bit before they interrupted. However a certain purple haired trainer that walked up had other plans. "What do we have here, a pathetic trainer making out with his girlfriend." Everyone glared at the new person upon saying those words. Serena stopped making out with Ash and whipped around, ready to give him a piece of her mind. However Ash recognized the voice and grabed her arm, causing her to stop and look back at Ash, who was now visible to the trainer. "Guess I was wrong, no pathetic trainer here," he said with a smirk. "Nice to see you to Paul, and actually she's my fiance," Ash said in a calm tone. Paul raised an eyebrow, "really? Well congratulations then." "Wait do you know him," asked Serena. "Yup. Everyone I'd like to introduce to Paul Shinji. He was my rival through Sinnoh," said Ash. Serena, who was now calmed down, stood up and extended her hand to shake his. "Hi I'm Serena. It's nice to meet another of Ash's friends." Paul took her hand and shook it, then looked past Serena and at Ash. "Would you call us friends," Paul asked. "No, I'd say were up to acquaintances," Ash replied. "Wait, you guys aren't friends," asked Bonnie. "We hated each other too much in Sinnoh. I actually had to fight the urge to punch him many times," Ash replied. Everyone looked at them both in shock. Ash had told many stories of his journeys, and all his rivalries he mentioned were all for the most part friendly, but to hear that he wanted to punch one of them, that just seemed unbelievable. "What was so wrong with him that you hated him so much," Korrina asked. Ash was going to be a bit vague, but Paul answered instead. "We had very different training styles. Ash would form bonds with his Pokemon. While I would train them to their limits, and if they fell short of my expectations, I would get rid of them." Everyone looked at Paul like he was a monster, everyone but Ash who noticed his choice of words. "You referred to the past tense, does that mean something has changed," Ash asked. "After you beat me in the Sinnoh league you earned my respect, so I decided to revamp my training style with some of your influence," Paul explained. "So you don't abandon your Pokemon that fail you anymore," asked Ash, curious to see what's changed. Paul's expression looked like that was a sore subject, but he responded, "none since Sinnoh. I've come to regret thoughs decisions. I know I'll never be able to make things right with those pokemon. All I can do now is do right with the ones I have. As for failing me, as long as they keep working to become stronger, they aren't failures to me." Ash smiled seeing there has been some positive improvement for him. 'Maybe we might be friends one day,' Ash thought to himself.

"Ash Ketchum and Max Maple, your Pokemon are ready," Nurse Joy said over the intercom. Max jumped up and started walking to the counter. Ash was starting to get up when Bonnie beat him to it. "I'll get your Pokemon back for you," Bonnie said as she jumped up and ran up to Max. The rest of the gang chuckled a little at Bonnie's behavior. "Are you running a match making service on the side or something," Paul asked. "What do you mean," asked Ash. "Well, you two are getting married, the two gym leaders are a couple, and from the looks of it those kids are a couple," explained Paul as he gestured to the couples. "No, it just worked out that way," said Ash. "Why do you ask? Are you looking to find that special someone," Korrina asked slyly. "No. A relationship will just get in the way of training my Pokemon," Paul responded. "Maybe you just haven't found the right girl. Kalos is know as the region of love, maybe you'll find someone on your journey," said Korrina. Paul just rolled his eyes. Just then Max and Bonnie returned with Ash's pokeballs. "Here you go Ash," said Bonnie as she handed them to him. "Thanks Bonnie." "Hey Ash, I saw your battle with your Greninja versus that Sceptile. What was that your Greninja did," asked Paul. "Yeah, I was wondering about that too. Was that mega evolution," added Max. "That wasn't mega evolution, I've seen that before. No, this was something different," said Paul. "Actually we had to look into it ourselves. We ended up looking into some extremely old texts from before the time of pokeballs, just to get some information on it. There isn't an actual name for it, but we're calling it bond evolution, due to the fact a very strong bond is needed to achieve it," Ash explained. "Then Greninja becomes Ash-Greninja," Bonnie enthusiastically added. Everyone looked at Bonnie for an explanation to the new name. "What? Haven't you ever really looked at him, Greninja looks like he takes characteristics of Ash's appearance," Bonnie explained. Ash leaned back and crossed his arms as he looked like he was thinking, "you know I think your right. He looks like he gets my spiky hair on the side of his head and my eyes." "Well Ash-Greninja it is then," Serena added. "Well it seems comparable to mega evolution, in strength. It will probably serve you well in the Kalos League," Paul commented. "I hope so, we still have to master it though. This is only the second time we've been able to activate it intentionally. We just can't seem to make it happen while training yet, only in battles," explained Ash. "What about you collapsing after? Is that a side effect," asked Max. "One of them. After a battle I just feel completely wiped out. But I've learned through my research that that is only temporary. After a while my body will get used to the connection and that won't happen anymore," Ash explained. "You said one, what others are there," asked Paul. "Well, I can see through Greninja's eyes and we can hear each others thoughts," Ash explained, not wanting to tell them that he also feels Ash-Greninja's pain in battles. They all talked a little more before Max stated he had to leave, much to Bonnie's disappointment. Bonnie gave Max a tight hug, causing them both to blush a bright red. The rest of the gang said their goodbyes and Max headed off. Before they walked back inside Paul decided to speak, "Ash." Ash turned around and faced Paul. "I'm curious about that Greninja, and how much better of a trainer you've gotten. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle," said Paul. Ash was shocked by this at first. In the past getting Paul to battle him was like pulling teeth, Paul never really seemed like he wanted to battle Ash, but now here he was challenging him. Ash quickly recovered, "I accept."

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