When the car stopped, the two immediately went out and went straight inside the massive palace. They went straight to the floor where all the meeting rooms are. Immediately, they saw Chiqui pacing back and forth at the hallway heading to the drawing room.

"Where is she?" Harry immediately asked.

"They're at the drawing room, your highness." Chiqui answered politely, worry was all over her face. Harry went to the drawing room's door right away, not minding her mother's assistant who was loudly telling him that he can't go in there because the queen don't want to be disturbed.

"Your highness please..." The assistant was too late. Harry already opened the door.

"I'm sorry your majesty. I tried to stop him..." The assistant explained politely.

"Leave us. Lock the door." The queen said firmly. Harry immediately went to Mona. Her state, did not escape Harry's eyes. Mona is a mess. She is crying so bad and she became more emotional when she saw Harry. She started sobbing heavily.

"Oh my God! Are you okay sweetheart?"

"Mother! What is this? What happened? Why....why is she here? And why is she like this? What did you do to her?" The queen just looked at him and Mona, who seemed to be having a hard time composing herself as she can't stop crying.

"Bloody hell! Answer me mother!"

"Hey princess, stop crying please. I'm here now. I won't let her hurt you anymore." He whispered to Mona while kissing her forehead and putting his arms around her.

"Why don't you tell him what happened, Miss Jaberi." The queen said without a hint of emotion.

"Tell me what, mother?! You really went too far this time. What did she do to you to deserve this treatment?"

"Do not talk to me that way again, Harry! Yes, I am your mother but I am also your queen!"

"Damn right, you are! You may be my mother and my queen but you have no right to hurt me and the woman I love!"

"The woman you love....huh!"

"Yes, your majesty. I love her and I won't let anyone hurt her...not even my own mother!"

"You don't even know her!"

"Oh I do. I've known her the moment I laid eyes on her. In fact...I have decided. I decided to marry her. That's right. I will marry her and noone...nobody can stop me! Not you or anyone else!"

Mona tried to compose herself. She felt like her heart will explode listening to the mother and son's argument. She has to decide now. She made another deal with the queen and she has to honor her words no matter how hard it is. She knows he might hurt Harry in the process but she has no choice. She made the wrong decision of not telling him everything. She is still so confused why Harry is now in front of her. The last time she knew, he was with Isabella.

"We'll see, son!"

"Miss Jaberi, are you going to tell him or I will?"

"Princess, what is she talking about? Do you have something to tell me?"

"You know what, nevermind. If you're not ready, you can tell me later...after the show. We need to get you ready for your first fashion show. You're going to do great." Harry said when he noticed how pained Mona looked. He kept kissing her forehead lovingly, trying to comfort her. He really cannot forgive his mother for this.

Mona, although confused, felt comforted. She felt Harry's love for her and for a moment, she felt secured and protected...her pain eased and she saw hope. Hope that Harry will understand why she had to hide her true identity from him. Hope that their love for each other will win in this time of trial. She tried to give him a smile. When Harry saw it, he hugged her tight and kissed her passionately, forgetting that they're still with the queen.

The scene did not escape the eyes of the queen. Now, she realized that his son has really fallen in love with Mona. She felt a little pain in her heart because she understands and she knows how it is to feel for someone..but she really could not allow them to be together. She has to put a mask on and toughen her heart.

She let them have their moment and decided to give them one more day before she tells Harry the truth. And she will do it her way. She have decided not to honor the new deal.

"Get out you two." She said in a serious tone which surprised Harry and Mona.

"Thank you mother." Harry said smiling before heading the door. Mona behind him.

"She will tell me everything, Mother. After the show...right sweetheart?" Harry added.

"Oh I know she will." The queen whispered.

"I will tell him. I promise." Mona said to the queen. She is now smiling because she saw hope that the queen has finally came to realize how much they love each other. Eventhough she is still confused about why Isabella answered her call to Harry's phone earlier, she still feels that Harry belongs to her.

"You don't have to." The queen said before they could get out of the door. Harry and Mona heard it but decided not to say something back. Mona is not sure what the queen meant by it but she decided to deal with it after the show. Harry was right, she needs to get ready. The show cannot start on time because of her and she is kind of ashamed of it. She decided to get ready..give it her best shot...then she will deal with her problems afterwards. She hugged Harry tight and she kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"For being my knight in shining armor."

"I will forever be your knight in shining armor, princess."

"I hope so, my love. After the show, let's have a serious talk, okay? I need to tell you something very important."

"Yes, my love. We have all night and all day tomorrow. Actually, you don't have to tell me everything because we have all our lives for it."

"Ahhh you're the sweetest. But we really have to talk about this one tomorrow."

"Then we will, my love. Just don't worry about it now. Whatever it is, it'll all be just fine."

"I love you Harry. You don't know how much. I will give my life for you."

"And so am I, my Moonlight. I love you with all that I am."

"You better!"

"There's that perfect smile. I missed that! So..does that mean you're feeling better now?"

"All because I am with you. Things are better when I'm with you."

"And that made me the luckiest man alive."

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