voice from the past

Start from the beginning

Years went by and the day came where Mariam Aunty wants to see the wedding of her daughter before she dies. The news of leukaemia trembled aunt. Mariam and after knowing that she wants to see at least Ayaat's engagement.

I was so scared that I would lose her so I finally set up a surprise for Ayaat.

"Arhaannnn!!! I don't want to marry so soon" she brushes her hair irritatingly.

I smirked and asked, "why?"

"How can I marry the one to whom I didn't even like nor do I love and nor do I saw and not even talked with!?" she said being stubborn.

I literally remembered everything. July 15th we're standing in the terrace blooming the fresh air sensing each and every cold breezes of air.

For a few minutes we're quite and then she questioned me like an astonished child "Arhaan, do you know? What love is?"

I looked at her and answered "love is like an air, which cannot be seen but can be felt." I said looking the perfect human right in front of me, her hairs fluttering in the air. She's Damm pretty.

She immediately looked at me and asked "I'm sure that you hear this dialogue from the movies... so... be honest do you ever fallen in love" her eyes narrowed. Looks like she's hiding something and I wasn't able to understand so I stare at her warm hazel eyes.

I inhaled deeply and said "yes!"

Her eyes faded eventually as if she lost hope but still she was plastering a cherishing smile.

"Oh? Wow! And who is she?" She asked moving her hair behind her ears.

I swallowed, I want to confess but I was so afraid that I would lose her. I don't want to ruin our friendship at least.

She forced me and asked me again and again. And I said aloud "YOU!" Clinching my eyes closed.

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Her eyes want to know more.. gawking at me completely shocked.

I sighed and walked near her and said. "Y-yes, y-you" I hesitated at first but then closed my eyes again and said everything how I feel about her.

She's staring at me doesn't even blink.
I took a long breath and turned around brushed my hair back and sighed.

"Ayaat! I always feared to fall. But when I met you. What I feared the most was losing you" I say biting my lip.

She instantly dropped a tear and she immediately wiped it. "I really don't understand the things what my heart is not willing to accept," I said.

"If only you could see the way I smile in the sleep, just knowing that you exist." I continued..but her eyes shaders like a butterfly learning how to fly. "Arhaan?" She interrupts.

"Yes, Ayaat! Do you remember what you said to me when my mother died?" I ask wiping my tears.

"You-you said that putting a fresh coat on a broken house doesn't keep the wall from crumbling down and- and" I blabbered.

"A-and that happened Ayaat! My hea-heart was broken still I'm trying to put coats, layer by layer trying no-not to crumble down my heart walls" I sniffed.

"And as I promised you that I'll never get down from the treadmill until I finish my task and know the time has come... to fulfil my promise.." I inhaled deeply and pause for a second.

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